There’s no doubt our society is changing. Whether it’s faith, freedom, pop culture or government, we are living in shifting times. We’ll look at some of those changes in our conversation this morning.
Keith in Valkaria’s idea of a level playing field in sports is being called for in Hollywood. The mayor in Richmond, Virginia is erasing vestiges of the capital of the Confederacy. A Titusville priest is speaking out after the church acted against him. The federal government is getting involved in local school library fights.
The upside of all this appears to be the people who are moving to support Governor Ron DeSantis.
Representative Tyler Sirois is with us in our final hour to discuss the special session and what lies ahead as we move into 2023 including constitutional carry that the governor has vowed to sign should it pass the legislature.
Today is our last show before Christmas. Joe Pags will cover our mornings tomorrow and Monday.
I hope you have a great holiday and have time to unwind and enjoy family and friends.
Merry Christmas!
LA Times, Keith in Valkaria & the Oscars
Representative Tyler Sirois
Governor signs Insurance Reform
10 issues w/FL insurance reform
Reform will help, but it’s slow
Legislature to consider partisan school board elections
Insurance reforms to the governor
FL Dems file to expand Red Flag Laws