We would like to think we have certain rights. But, do we? Those who clamor most for having their rights recognized are the first to suppress the rights of others. Do you have a right to be served? Do you have the right to serve the customers of your choice? Which one wins? The expectation is that retailers serve anyone walking in the door. Ask a Christian group who scheduled a dinner meeting where wait staff did not want to serve them. Then ask Christian bakers, photographers and others when it comes to gay weddings. Where are the rights or the equality? It's never been about equality.
What about enumerated rights? Look no further than the second amendment to see just how rights are limited. And what about your right to vote? All’s well until you lose it by being a criminal. And now we are supposed to feel bad for ex-cons who don’t know if they can or should vote? I don’t think so.
The Brevard Deputy shooting at the hands of a friend and fellow deputy has made national news. It's nothing short of tragic. It exemplifies the importance of training and respecting the weapon at all times.
Superintendent Mark Mullins will exit BPS at the end of the year. The search is on for an interim and a permanent replacement.
We’ll open our day with a follow up on Tampa’s police chief who has now resigned in a controversy that should have never been.
It’s not about equal access (give the chance THEY cancel)
Pending 2A decision ignites gun sales
Bogus excuses in voter turnout discussion