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Here’s a recap of the week…
BML: Bill’s Back!
…Catching Up…the news doesn’t stop because we do
I hope you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday. We’re back at it on this last Monday of November. The news doesn’t stop because we aren’t together.I thought we’d take today and catch up from the holiday week. If something in particular caught your attention while we were apart, feel free to bring it up when you call the show.
From advice on subjects to avoid in family gatherings to Thanksgiving talking points from the White House, it seems folks were concerned about just what would be said last week.
We also have Santa Claus in play along with Donald Trump, Twitter, The University of Florida, the legislature, THE audit, you know, the Lober audit, a new Brevard School Board makes a statement- but was it a good one? Ron DeSantis did not escape the news cycle and neither did police robots, the Girl Scouts, REAL meat grown in a vat and coal.
I do believe I attained a new status in the family over the holiday. I’ll tell you about it as we get our thoughts together on this Monday edition of BML.
BML Tuesday: Words and Warnings
If you could name 2022’s word of the year what would it be? We’ll give you a shot at it as we open today’s conversation. Then, a professor at UCF has, shall we say, a unique teaching style. He dresses as characters of his subject matter and acts for his students. Needless to say, it has him in hot water.
Sheriff Wayne Ivey has ideas on bringing discipline back to Brevard Schools. His department is responsible for security in our schools and, given complaints I hear from my teaching friends, a little law and order in the classroom wouldn’t hurt.
In our final hour Dave Bowman brings us a look at the Warren Commission. If you missed last week’s DDH, you can catch Dave’s show on the Kennedy assassination here. We’ll look at the aftermath and maybe a big reason we have no trust in government…
One week after the assassination of President Kennedy, now President Lyndon Johnson issued an executive Order which formed the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. It would carry the nickname "the Warren Commission," and it would become the national focal point for national distrust of government reports.
Given that the entire purpose of the commission was to prevent speculation of a conspiracy in the killing of President Kennedy, history would seem to have judged it a complete and utter failure.
But... was it...?
Our friends at the Salvation Army have a new way for us to help in Doing the Most Good. The Salvation Army now has a Virtual Red Kettle, so whether you’re out and about or working or shopping online, you can help those in need in our community. It's Giving Tuesday. Please help make it a success with your donation. Learn more about the Melbourne Salvation Army’s mission here.
…a discussion free for all
One day a week we open the phones to any topic you’d care to share. Today is that day. If it’s on your mind, it’s on BML.
For my part, I still have catching up to do d from the Thanksgiving vacation. The stories are posted below and, given the chance, I’ll hit on the political correctness of the University of Florida, police using robots and equipping them with lethal force, Brevard Schools’ dysfunctional and rudderless board, the idea of codifying same-sex marriage and a mixed verdict for a Titusville man in the January 6th case.
Let’s see where the day takes us…
BML Thursday: Communism Around Us
…& soccer is boring!
If you know me, you know I am not a soccer fan. It's no secret. The sport bores me. It’s a lot of effort for little reward (unless you’re an American women’s team member- more on that later). While baseball may have similar scores, there is a lot of intrigue and work that goes into even a 1-0 baseball game. Soccer seems like a lot of running around with very little being accomplished. The Babylon Bee has some ideas to make the senseless exercise watchable. Maybe you have some ideas as well. We find soccer IN A HANDBASKET as we open the discussion today.
Proving our theme for the day (and my assertion that soccer is a communist sport) is the US Women’s Team. They are collecting a big payday because the men bean Iran in the World Cup.
And there’s the idea that you can win McDonald’s food for life. You may need that if the economy is left in the hands of the Democrats. The political class in California is stealing tax dollars to advance their own good to the detriment of us commoners.
Fighting the communism of the internet is TWITTER. Elon Musk is bringing his version of free speech to the platform and it’s been interesting to watch. TWITTER had interfered, or at least attempted to have sway, in elections and Musk is working to stop the stupidity.
Joe Pags will be in for me Friday and Representative Tyler Sirois will join us in our 8am hour Monday. The Special Session on insurance and likely other issues has been set. The legislature is considering a bill to allow Governor DeSantis to keep his office while running for President, should the governor decide to do so. Didn’t the legislature just change this law a few years ago…and wasn’t it a republican led body that did that?