One day a week we open the phones to any topic you’d care to share. Today is that day. If it’s on your mind, it’s on BML.
For my part, I still have catching up to do d from the Thanksgiving vacation. The stories are posted below and, given the chance, I’ll hit on the political correctness of the University of Florida, police using robots and equipping them with lethal force, Brevard Schools’ dysfunctional and rudderless board, the idea of codifying same-sex marriage and a mixed verdict for a Titusville man in the January 6th case.
Let’s see where the day takes us…
UF censorship (EFSC basketball has to go!)
Police Robots- why not? Approved!
School Board to the Mullins negotiating table unarmed
Senate passes same-sex marriage bill
Mixed verdict for Titusville man in Jan 6 case
DeSantis penning book- “The Courage to Be Free: Florida’s Blueprint for America’s Revival”
TWITTER: may reveal election meddling
Tallahassee: change law to allow DeSantis to keep job and run for President?
Tallahassee: Special Session set
WOKE at UF College of medicine
GA country declares winner with votes not counted