Bill Mick LIVE

Bill Mick LIVE

Bill’s been a morning staple on the Space Coast since 2001. Call the show at 321.768.1240 weekdays from 6am-9am.Full Bio


The Week That Was

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Here’s a recap of the week…

BML Monday: Election Propaganda Flowing

…we need an info-septic system

With Election Day tomorrow, we’ll have a heavy focus on what’s being said in an attempt to sway voters. Many on the left are persuaded their leadership has failed them and that losses are on the way. The campaigners on that side are claiming the country comes to an end if Republicans win.There is fake panic over voting from both sides and enough spin to make us all dizzy. Let’s hope voters are discerning enough to sort through it all.

The President Biden says we are idiots. He also says we’ll be replacing all coal mines with wind and solar farms. The White House walked that back after Senator Joe Manchin called out the president.

Beauty pageants are just for women, if they want to be. Believe it or not, that ruling came out of the 9th Circuit and it’s IN A HANDBASKET this morning.At 6:42 we’ll see the leadership of Elon Musk. Who’s paying attention to that? Mark Zuckerberg, that’s who!

Welcome to the election week conversation.

BML Tuesday: Election Day


It’s Election Day and Brevard Supervisor of Elections Tim Bobanic will be with us at 7:42. Tim’s urging voters to hit the polls as early as possible due to weather concerns later in the day. Polls are open 7am-7pm. Only 34.35% of Brevard’s eligible voters have voted early or by mail. Brevard votes today under a Hurricane Watch.

A judge in Georgia has extended the mail ballot deadline in Cobb County. Election officials there had failed to send requested mail ballots to over 1000 voters.

Pundits have made their final calls on the election and the reasons Americans are voting. One says the Republicans will take both houses of congress in a good, but not great night for the GOP. Even if that happens, will we see much of a difference? Are Republican plans on the right track should they take control of the legislative branch? What’s a realistic expectation?

In hour- three DAVE DOES HISTORY. Dave will give us a look at the five most heated presidential elections we’ve experienced in the United States.


…Bright Red Florida

The Red Wave is more of a Red Hurricane and, like Nicole or Ian, Florida is where it is happening. Sadly, it’s not the national storm Republicans had hoped for. There will be a lesson in this. I hope we are smart enough to learn it.

It’s WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY and you can bring us any topic you’d like on this day that’s all about whatever is on your mind. Me? I’ll be election & results focused after we get through News and IN A HANDBASKET where I cannot believe what a video game creator has done. Neither will you.

Heading into Election Day Florida told the Justice Department to stuff it as it wanted observers inside polling places and State Law does not allow for such Federal oversight. And…November is still Hurricane Season. Nicole is reminding us of that. WMMB is preparing for Operation StormWatch coverage of Nicole as it’s projected to bring impact to the Space Coast overnight. 

Brevard Election Results  Statewide Election Results Brevard Ballot Measures Pass

THURSDAY: Operation StormWatch- Nicole

BML Friday: Election Fallout

…ESFC’s Chris Muro on the election

Hurricane Nicole is past us, but she left behind a lot of mess and work to be done. The same could be said of Tuesday’s election, which is not quite over. Control of both houses of congress is yet to be decided. Florida turned deep red, but the rest of the country seems as divided as ever. One Florida newspaper has had an editorial meltdown over the Sunshine State’s red hue. Boards of Education across the country are changing to a more parent focused mindset and that wave started here in Brevard with Moms for Liberty. Even lawmakers fail to understand the election process. Marco Rubio is a good example.

Eastern Florida State Political Science Professor Chris Muro joins us in our 8am hour. We’ll recap the election and take a look at what the future may hold.

We’ll open our day IN A HANDBASKET where racism is apparently everywhere and it’s random, too.

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