The Red Wave is more of a Red Hurricane and, like Nicole or Ian, Florida is where it is happening. Sadly, it’s not the national storm Republicans had hoped for. There will be a lesson in this. I hope we are smart enough to learn it.
It’s WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY and you can bring us any topic you’d like on this day that’s all about whatever is on your mind. Me? I’ll be election & results focused after we get through News and IN A HANDBASKET where I cannot believe what a video game creator has done. Neither will you.
Heading into Election Day Florida told the Justice Department to stuff it as it wanted observers inside polling places and State Law does not allow for such Federal oversight. And…November is still Hurricane Season. Nicole is reminding us of that. WMMB is preparing for Operation StormWatch coverage of Nicole as it’s projected to bring impact to the Space Coast overnight.
Brevard Election Results Statewide Election Results Brevard Ballot Measures Pass
Ummm, we DO have Nicole bearing down on us- be ready
FL says no to DOJ monitors inside polling places
DeSantis routs prime Time Charlie
Rubio does the same with Demings
Republicans dominant in Congressional Races
FL House has largest Republican majority ever
FL Constitutional Amendments go down
FL Senate Republicans gain 4 seats
NBC’s racist coverage of Hispanic vote
Voting machine issues in some states
Dem tampers with CO voting machine
Biden: coal plants to be replaced with wind/solar