Bill Mick LIVE

Bill Mick LIVE

Bill’s been a morning staple on the Space Coast since 2001. Call the show at 321.768.1240 weekdays from 6am-9am.Full Bio


The Week That Was

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Here’s a recap of the week…

BML Monday: Cops, Cars & Constitutions

…Uvalde suspends entire department

Investigations take time. If you’re going to take action based on them, it takes diligence and documentation. Finally, Uvalde is taking action after the botched police response to the school shooting in the Texas town.

New York and DC have declared states of emergency over America’s border crisis. Apparently that whole “Sanctuary City” thing isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.

Is November’s Red Wave real? There are doubters, but if Americans vote their concerns the wave could be inevitable. When it comes to elections, Delaware’s Supreme Court has upheld the state’s constitution and knocked down mail voting and same-day voter registration.

The politics of the country say women must be believed and protected when sexual assault is the topic. That is, unless they are Republican women and then all bets are off.

Manufacturers have to be wondering what they are to do. The City of St. Louis says it’s suing Hyundai and Kia because their vehicles are too easy to steal. How can you make a manufacturer responsible for the actions of a thief?

Welcome to the start of our talk week on BML!

BML Tuesday: In the Army Now?


Have you been watching the NFL?Is the game the football you remember? After Tua’s injuries and the NFL’s reaction, Tom Brady’s security squad (they wear stripes) and last night having two sacks where the QBs never touched the ground, the game just can’t find a balance between safety and quality play.

America’s military isn’t all it’s cracked up to be either. It’s not the people; it’s the changing institutional mindset. The Department of Defense is concerned about diversity and extremism. The Army can’t define WOKE, but is steeped in it.

Success breeds contempt, but it also brings something else…predatory behavior. I have to wonder about a new “conservative” group trying to make inroads in Brevard. Remember the Tea Party? It was a true grassroots movement of engaged citizens determined to make change in the country. Now, remember the Tea Party Party? It was NOT grassroots and it had other goals entirely. The “party” tried to usurp the grassroots efforts for political and financial purposes. One has to wonder about the motives of the County Citizens Defending Freedom. First off, they aren’t from Brevard County.

Dave Bowman brings us a take on Columbus Day for today’s look at history:

The weirdest thing about the current hatred of Columbus Day is that there shouldn't even be a "Columbus Day." What do I mean?

He was an absolute boss when it came to being the Admiral of the Sea. He did something that hadn't been done and he did it over and again. He brought glory and honor to his nation and his Monarch.

But... and I cannot stress this enough... he would have no idea what we are talking about when we say, "Columbus Day..." And he would have absolutely HATED why it was created in 1892, on the 400th anniversary of his first voyage...

Side note: the NFL is now TOUCH FOOTBALL!


…Livin’ on Tulsi Time?

It’s your day to bring whatever has you thinking to BML. It’s the one day a week you aren’t stuck with my topics.For my part: the outrage mob is after Troy Aikman’s head, most companies handle hurricanes well- one on the Gulf Coast didn’t, Tulsi Gabbard is leaving the Democratic Party and both sides of the political aisle are celebrating, Prime Time Charlie Crist is beating the abortion drum all the way to his defeat by Ron DeSantis, UF students are impolite jerks and a suspicious missing kid story in Georgia doesn’t look like it will have a happy ending.

Choose one of mine or bring you own to the table, it’s WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY. What's it going to be?

BML Thursday: The Naked Truth

…it happened this morning

My day got off to an interesting start. I pulled into our parking lot at zero-dark-thirty. We have a chain link fenced parking area for station vehicles. There was a young man standing in that area and as I approached he began asking me for help. He was not injured or in distress. He was, however, completely naked. The day had to get better from this point.

IN A HANDBASKET is communication. More and more our discussions seem to be non-verbal. We text, we email, we instant message and Generation Z doesn’t like how we do it.I don’t particularly care what they like. As long as my communication is clear and understandable, Gen Z can go pound sand. Clear enough?

Apparently we are surrounded by those without a solid grip on reality. My incident was rather benign, if strange. It’s not always that way. A road rage incident in Jacksonville is our example. Another would be the Downtown Melbourne environment and one problem place that is no more. It’s kind of sad. A friend and I used to eat lunch at Off the Traxx pretty regularly. The pizza wasn’t bad and the prices were reasonable. The nighttime crowd, however, was not. In its place we get something new for Downtown- axe throwing.

Alex Jones has always been a bubble or twelve off. He’s now in hock for about a billion dollars. Pennsylvania appears ready to ignore the United States Supreme Court when it comes to administering elections. Joe Biden has a strained relationship with reality or the truth. The media doesn’t seem to care. 

is more likely to get the country headed back in the right direction?

BML Friday: Aikman, DeSantis, Cruz, Trump & You

… EFSC’s Chris Muro

Troy Aikman is now a wholly owned subsidiary of ESPN. The Hall-of-Famer took less than a week to bow to the gods of political correctness over his comments regarding the game he played so well. His caving has Troy Aikman IN A HANDBASKET this morning.

After a major hurricane Florida generally allows out of state contractors the ability to work in the recovery effort. One Texas contractor assumed that after Ian and now he faces jail time. What’s the answer here?

Elsewhere in Florida the governor has ordered flexibility for Ian impacted areas in handling the November election. Nicholas Cruz will serve life in prison after the jury came back with that recommendation.

The January 6th committee has subpoenaed President Trump. For his part, Trump says he likes the idea. It would be good political theater, which is all the committee has been anyway, but is there time for the appearance to happen? It depends on which party controls the House in the next congress.

Speaking of that election, EFSC’s Chris Muro joins us in our last hour to further dissect the ballot measures we will have in consideration. It's a lot and I expect many voters won’t take the time to fully understand them. Chris will help us in that effort.

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