Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS.
CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:
10.10.22- Kill All the Lawyers!
If I am a manufacturer, I am strongly considering not having my product available in St. Louis. Why? Because St. Louis is stupid!
The city is threatening to sue Kia and Hyundai because an inordinate number of vehicles stolen in the city are made by them.
They allege defect in the cars because they don’t have immobilizers, anti-theft devices. Therefore, says St. Louis, the manufacturers are responsible for the thefts.
We have become a society that blames anyone besides the responsible party for what ails us. Nothing is ever our fault.
With someone else to blame, there is money to collect, especially if they are a corporation. And never mind that a TikTok challenge encourages the thefts.
The idea is dumb, yet St. Louis persists.
Kia and Hyundai make reliable vehicles, but if I was making them, you couldn’t buy one anywhere near St. Louis!
10.11.22- The NFL is Touch Football
NFL teams invest big bucks in quarterbacks. It’s the most important position in the game. Multi-million-dollar contracts are standard.
Protecting that investment makes sense. Maybe they should pay offensive linemen more? The league, though, is trying to protect the QBs with rules.
In Monday night’s game I saw each quarterback sacked in the first quarter and neither of them touched the ground. As soon as the defenders had the quarterback in grasp, the whistle blew and the play was over.
We don’t watch the NFL to see touch football, but that’s what we are getting.
The NFL has done enough damage to its product in recent years without softening the game to this.
Where is Fran Tarkington when we need him?
Nobody wants QBs to get hurt, but we do want them to play the game. For if they don’t, the game is less than it should be!
10.12.22- Tulsi Time
Former Democratic candidate for the presidential nomination, Tulsi Gabbard, has left the Democratic Party.
The handwriting was on the wall when her common sense approach was summarily dismissed in that primary process. Her party rejected her.
Gabbard has been an outspoken critic of the Democrats and the policies they have implemented.
There was no longer a home for her in the Democratic Party. Is there one in with the Republicans? She hasn’t said, but she should be welcome.
No, we don’t agree on every issue, but she is a constitution and freedom loving American in spite of any disagreement.
A purity test is wrong for the left and it’s wrong for us as well.
We’ll agree with Tulsi Gabbard on many fronts, let’s not throw away an opportunity to work with an ally when we can.
It’s how we’ll get our country back.
10.13.22- Thumbs Up- get over it!
Thursday was about communication. First, the naked guy in our parking lot when I got to work communicated that he needed help. Melbourne Police were very helpful.
Then, Gen Z workers are miffed that older coworkers use the “thumbs up” emoji to signify positive messages.
We moved on to two grown men playing speed racer in their vehicles who ended up shooting each other’s daughters because of their deranged communication.
Alex Jones’ brand of misguided talk has landed a judgment against him for nearly a billion dollars. He earned every bit of that.
And now, with Tulsi Gabbard leaving the Democrats, some callers indicate they won’t work with her because of her former party. Guess they forget about Ronald Reagan.
It's going to take communication to get past all the division. I just hope we are smart enough to do that.
I’m not holding my breath.
10.14.22- Cruz Gets Life
Parkland families are disappointed, and I understand it. I would shed no tear if Nicholas Cruz had been sentenced to death.
Instead, the jury gave him life.
I am, however, concerned about those families and that’s why this sentence doesn’t bother me so much.
A death sentence would trigger automatic appeals and prolong the agony for these families. Maybe now, they skip the worries and anguish of continued court appearances and live on.
Nicholas Cruz is evil. He may be deranged, mentally ill, but he deserved to die.
Be that as it may, my prayer is that these families now put the punishment behind them and have peaceful lives, even as loved members are absent.
I hope they forget Nicholas Cruz as he wastes away in prison.
I hope we do, too.