Investigations take time. If you’re going to take action based on them, it takes diligence and documentation. Finally, Uvalde is taking action after the botched police response to the school shooting in the Texas town.
New York and DC have declared states of emergency over America’s border crisis. Apparently that whole “Sanctuary City” thing isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.
Is November’s Red Wave real? There are doubters, but if Americans vote their concerns the wave could be inevitable. When it comes to elections, Delaware’s Supreme Court has upheld the state’s constitution and knocked down mail voting and same-day voter registration.
The politics of the country say women must be believed and protected when sexual assault is the topic. That is, unless they are Republican women and then all bets are off.
Manufacturers have to be wondering what they are to do. The City of St. Louis says it’s suing Hyundai and Kia because their vehicles are too easy to steal. How can you make a manufacturer responsible for the actions of a thief?
Welcome to the start of our talk week on BML!
Uvalde suspends entire police force
NYC/DC declare state of emergency over immigrant busses
Delaware Supremes uphold state constitution re: election law
Media: believe women unless they are Republican
St. Louis to sue Hyundai/Kia over car thefts
Resiliency- Ian and HS football