Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS.
CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:
10.03.22- Stand Up, Get Penalized
The girls’ volleyball team at Randolph Union High School in Vermont is standing up. The school district is doing its part to slap them down.
The issue is a transgender player on the team, a boy, who was dressing in the locker room with the girls. He reportedly made an inappropriate comment that set off the controversy.
When the girls complained, THEY came under investigation for “harassment” of the translate!
The girls are now banned from using the locker room while the investigation is underway.
The girls were told if they were uncomfortable, they could change in privacy. Why not provide this for the one instead of the many?
Policy that subjects girls to this treatment is wrong. Educators who implement it are even more so.
When will someone step up for what’s right?
10.04.22- Pronoun Priorities
The story is one of espionage and intrigue. An American soldier, a doctor, was meeting with the Russians to provide intel on other American soldiers.
But that wasn’t the headline, or even the focus of the story.
What was the headline?
Media Struggle Picking Pronouns for Ex-Army Doctor.
You heard that right, the story was about pronoun use for this would-be spy.
I have a pronoun, traitor!
I don’t care that this so-called man was transgender or particularly which direction the transition took. The big transition was turning his back on his country.
That the media is so wrapped up in political correctness and social agenda making the real story a subtext is the problem.
We need a real newshound. Would be nice to find one!
10.05.22- M4L Steps Up Again
Tuesday night I spoke to the Brevard Moms for Liberty group. What a group they are!
These people, concerned about the state of education, are fighting the battle the right way. They are also showing compassion for victims of Hurricane Ian in a big way.
The meeting detailed how in-depth these volunteers have gone into school budgets ad operations and how hard they are working to change a system that has circled the wagons to fight any change.
You’d think education leaders would be in lockstep with these Moms, after all, it’s for the children. But no, this is a national battle that must be fought one district at a time.
Brevard’s doing just that and it has already been effective. Hey, it is work, but it’s worthwhile.
If you have a little time, or a little money, or a lot of both, get engaged. Our kids’ future depends on it.
10.06.22- Voting In Spite of Ian
Hurricane Ian has made voting complicated in Southwest Florida. Homes are gone. So are some polling places and election workers. Voting as usual just isn’t going to happen.
But, there are solutions. No, it won’t be ideal, but it should do.
Then again, it could be ideal.
The idea in Lee County is 12 Super Voting Sites to be used for Early Voting that once open, are open through Election Day.
Mail ballots in a devastated community will be spotty at best. Scores of precincts in many more polling places simply can’t be staffed.
The Super Voting Sites idea is a good one and one that will work for Florida.
The more I think about it, the more I like the idea for every election. It reduces the manpower and equipment needs and would be efficient.
Maybe there is a silver lining to Ian.
10.07.22- Innocence Lost
The time was Saturday morning was for kids. It was breakfast and cartoons for the first half of the day. And it was glorious.
Kids, being kids and enjoying well done, kid centered entertainment. But not anymore.
No, cartoons have become the realm of activism and no topic is off limits. The latest offender is Scooby Doo!
No longer is Scooby Doo a fun filled adventure chasing some scary, evil bad guy until the gang solves the mystery. Now we have to see Velma, the brains of the outfit, going ga-ga over another girl.
Social activists are pushing the celebration of the lesbian outing as they ignore the message to kids, or worse, celebrate it.
Kids will have to adult soon enough. Social pressures will come their way in due time.
It’d be nice if we could stop the messaging and just let kids be kids.