Most of us fondly remember Saturday morning cartoons- Bugs Bunny, the Roadrunner, The Lone Ranger, superheroes and more. And one day we were introduced to Scooby Doo. Thoughts of these generate happy childhood memories and positive feelings. We were young and innocent. Kids could be kids and life was an adventure to be learned. That innocence is gone and kids today are losing it at ever younger ages. Scooby Doo has become part of that. Cartoons are not for kids anymore and that lands Scooby, Shaggy and the gang IN A HANDBASKET this morning.
Common courtesy can vary from culture to culture. Personal space, limited enough on an airplane made one story interesting to me. It made me wonder, what’s the worst “party foul” you’ve experienced while traveling? This one surprised me.
The Electric Vehicle push makes no sense. It makes less sense in an area prone to hurricanes. After just such a storm EVs are showing they are not only worthless, but dangerous.
The courts have upheld Florida’s bad on “vaccine passports.” That’s good news for travelers and tourism.
Is the Red Wave in November’s election real? It would appear to be so as the top issues on voters’ minds are seen as best in the hands of Republicans.
Cartoons- not for kids anymore
EVs exploding…not in a good way
Court upholds FL vax passport ban
Youngkin making energy sense for VA
Manchin stepping out of the dark side?
Elon’s Twitter deal is back in play