Bill Mick LIVE

Bill Mick LIVE

Bill’s been a morning staple on the Space Coast since 2001. Call the show at 321.768.1240 weekdays from 6am-9am.Full Bio



Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS. 

CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:

09.19.22- Border Blame


One Texas mayor has it right. There is plenty of blame to go around for America’s immigration issues.


The finger pointing heated up after Governor Ron DeSantis shipped two planes full of illegals to Martha’s Vineyard. That‘s something the federal government has done with even more planes to Florida and other locations.


Yes, it is political stunting, but it has returned the immigration issue to the national spotlight.


As for that Texas mayor, he nailed it when he said that both Democrats and Republicans have batted the issue back and forth with neither side offering or implementing real solutions.


I hope this latest stunt is a step in that direction. It starts with securing the border and then enforcing immigration law.


Then, tweaking the law to fit the needs of the United States would be wise.


Unless those things are done the rhetoric and stunting are a waste of time and the political theater is meaningless.


09.20.22- TX Sheriff Investigates


The Sanctuary Skies are under investigation by a Texas sheriff. 


Bexar County’s Javier Salazar, a Democrat, is looking into the Florida-funded flights to Martha’s Vineyard with an eye toward prosecuting any crime discovered.


Interesting that he’s ignoring the initial crime involved- entering the country illegally by the immigrants. He went as far as to say since they are here now, they have legal status…which can’t be the case.


No, he wants to engage, indirectly, the political position of Governor Ron DeSantis. 


Politics in this story? Say it ain’t so!


It’s ALL politics!


The sheriff’s investigation will fizzle. DeSantis will bask in the glow of this stunt and maybe, just maybe, the fire of change is lit on the immigration issue.


History will tell the tale.

09.21.22-BPS Slow Walks Book Reviews


The education establishment claimed for years it wanted parental involvement in our schools. After the pandemic they got it and they’re not happy.


Once parents became aware of what’s happening in our schools they got engaged and the educators circled the wagons.


In trying to eliminate what we call Brevard Schools Library Porn, M4L challenged 39 books in school libraries.


The district responded by saying it will take up to a year to evaluate each book. Sure, we can wait four decades before caring for our kids!


This must be addressed by the board. How long do these same folks give kids to do a book report?


This slow walk of the review is nothing but defiance to parental authority or any authority other than education’s own.


They want parental compliance, not involvement. What they are building is parental revolt and it’s well deserved!


09.22.22- From “Dilbert” to the United States Air Force


ESG and DEI are everywhere. These social and diversity initiatives have infected just about every aspect of our culture.


They can’t withstand the light of scrutiny and honest examination; therefore, they cancel what they can’t control.


It started with Dilbert IN A HANDBASKET on Thursday’s show. Then it was a task force that reports to congress suggesting that all Americans under 65 be tested for anxiety even though statistics don’t support it.


Major CEOs tell us they will not back down from imposing ESG standards on us in business. And the Air Force has decided diversity and inclusion, along with gender neutral pronouns, make the branch more lethal.


There’s hope that all is not lost. A program at Troy University is actually teaching that these initiatives are counter to good business practices, and we fight the culture war every day on BML.


There will be many battles, but it’s a long war!


09.23.22- Air Force Academy: How Many Genders?


We thought the Air Force Academy was bad on Thursday. Wait till ya get a load of this.


This institution that builds our future military leaders has decided that an internship that shuts out straight men is a good idea.


The Brooke Owens Fellowship is open to “gender minorities” and straight men are explicitly told not to apply.


Nine specific gender non-conforming categories were encouraged to apply.


The Academy even offers a Diversity and Inclusion program where cadets earn a purple rope for their uniforms to signify their “diversity representative” status.


The Air Force Academy’s priorities are way off.


When Pride is the priority, the Academy is preparing future leaders for defeat.


That does not bode well for the country.

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