Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS.
CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:
09.12.22- How About the Facts, Ma’am?
In August, Duke Volleyball traveled to BYU for a match. When it was over a Duke player alleged a BYU fan was yelling racial slurs and threats at her during play.
The claim went viral and the national media picked up on it. BYU even bought in, apologized and banned the fan for life, no questions asked.
That “no questions” part is the problem.
With the claim not being validated, or investigated for that matter, BYU and the media took the cancel culture approach of accusation equaling guilt.
Then an investigation happened and found the incident didn’t happen.
Media had hyped the story and even accused BYU of not acting quickly enough. They praised the lying girl.
Now that it’s disproven…no retractions or apologies from the media. BYU did apologize and reinstate the fan.
Maybe some investigation beforehand would have been a good idea!
09.13.22- Jesus Crist- a Life of Brian Moment
Prime Time Charlie Crist has had his “Life of Brian” moment. And may it ever live to haunt his gubernatorial run!
Prime Time was speaking at a campaign event in March. As Crist vilified Governor Ron DeSantis, he deified himself, and don’t think it wasn’t intentional.
Speaking to supporters Crist asked, “You know some people call him DeSatan? Have you heard that? DeSatan versus that,” pointing to a sign with “CRIST” in bold letters.
A supporter yells out, “Christ!” and Prime Time was all over it!
The governor is the devil and Prime Time Charlie is Jesus! No, Charlie Crist is the political “Life of Brian” and there are no two ways about it.
He’s trying to resurrect a dead term as governor and it was brilliant of the DeSantis campaign to point this out!
There is evil in this campaign, but it’s not Ron DeSantis.
09.14.22- The Queen (in death) Defeats House Republicans
The Queen of England, dead as she may be, just defeated US House Republicans and didn’t have to send the Royal Navy or the SAS to do it.
No, she let them defeat themselves and didn’t have to lift a cold, dead finger to do it.
OK, she did have to die, and that was bad enough, but the Republicans did what they are so good at in response. In honor of the Queens’ death the Republicans killed their own message.
The Republicans were set to release their “Commitment to America” on Monday. The Queen’s funeral is Monday, so out of respect they delayed their announcement.
But they delayed it to Friday, the end of the week’s news cycle- where news goes to die over the weekend.
Delay to Tuesday or Wednesday, but not Friday! Respect is good; stupidity is bad.
God save the Queen, because the Republicans may be beyond help!
09.15.22- Marco Gamed on Abortion!
Senator Marco Rubio came out in support of Lindsey Graham’s abortion bill that would ban the practice at 15 weeks.
That means it allows abortion up to 14 weeks. Is this Rubio’s actual belief on the issue or has his opponent Val Demings gamed him into making it an issue in his campaign.
Since Dobbs, the Democrats have wanted to make abortion THE issue for November. Demings is pushing it hard.
Rubio has always said he is pro-life. Has Demings nudged him into support for abortion?
It seems Marco may have been gamed.
The Dobbs decision returned the abortion issue to the states, where most conservatives believe it belongs.
Why don’t Graham and Rubio get this?
The Democrats have vowed to codify Roe and this would be a step in that direction.
It’s time for Rubio to wise up. I had hoped he was better than this.
09.16.22- The Sanctuary Skies
Illegal immigrants arriving in Florida are being treated to more travel. Governor DeSantis is shipping illegals from the Sunshine State to Sanctuary Cities and States who are all for coddling these folks, as long as they are being coddled somewhere else.
I guess the Sanctuary Skies are not as friendly as the Sanctuary locations would claim.
It’s funny how two plane loads of illegals bring heat to Ron DeSantis, but the complainers didn’t mind the Biden administration dropping multiple planeloads on Florida and other locations in the middle of the night.
That the sanctuary locations are screaming how inhumane the flights are is telling.
They want illegals treated well just as long as they are treated well somewhere else.
The answer is simple. Strengthen the borders and enforce our laws.
I’m not holding my breath. We’ve only been dealing with this for decades!