Maybe they’re hoping to avoid the controversy that engulfed NCAA swimming as the Boston Marathon prepares for its next running. They now have a third gender classification for participants: non-binary.
Suburbia is coming to the defense of “chain” restaurants. While city dwellers have an elitism all their own when it comes to dining out; real worlders seem to be a bit more open to dining choices.
Leave it to England’s now-deceased Queen to throw a wrench into House Republican plans to launch their platform for the November election. Due to ceremony and services for the Queen, moron Republican leadership has respectfully decided to hold off on the release of their plans until after the events…the Friday after the events. You know, right at the end of the week’s news cycle where, by the following Monday, all will be forgotten. The GOP needs some marketing help!
Also available today: the DeSantis platform, Florida’s likely voters, the $1.5B BPS budget, lessons from Defund the Police and more. The more being- whatever you bring to the table on this WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY. It's a free for all this one day a week on BML.
Queen defeats Republicans’ new plan
An interesting look at Florida’s likely voters
Election law and a non-controversy
6 charter amendments make November ballot
Seattle learns DEFUND POLICE lesson the hard way