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Here’s a recap of the week…
Off for Labor Day
BML Tuesday: Brevard SOE Lori Scott Retiring
…Dave Bowman with DAVE DOES HISTORY
Late last week long time Brevard Supervisor of Elections Lori Scott announced her retirement, effective October 3rd.Many were surprised by the announcement and its timing. We’ll hate to see her go; she’s done an amazing job in her service to our community. But, in true Lori Scott fashion, she’s leaving the office better than she found it and has set forth a path for its continued success, if the governor will only follow it in his appointment. We’ll discuss it in our 7am hour.
We’ll begin our day in my native land of WV where coal miners had an interesting interdiction with an Electric Vehicle.The irony is strong in this story.We’ve talked a lot recently about these EVs and wondered about what’s going on with the push for this not-ready-for-prime-time technology. What’s happening? We’re killing American industry and General Motors is leading the way.
Then, in our final hour Dave Bowman joins us with another edition of DAVE DOES HISTORY and it goes something like this:
It has been long established that the President has plenary powers when it comes to the foreign affairs of the nation. Wide latitude and power has been generally understood to be within the purview of the executive, as the Constitution is less than precise as to who exactly does what - other than advising and consenting on treaties.
Like many things though, that was not always the case. For much of our history it was presumed - by the Presidents and the Courts - that Congress was supreme. Rare was the President who would act on foreign affairs without at least some input from Congress.
…what do you MAGA threats to the country have to say?
Apparently MAGA isn’t what the president claimed (and then denied he said) in his First Order/Empire Strikes Back address. The left hates it when they are wrong. That gets our first hour of a WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY started. The rest of our day is up to you, it’s why we have a WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY at all.
Not that there aren’t things on my mind. Brevard’s political rumor mill, fueled by the D-53 Rep is one of them. We also have California, the home of all things non-fossil fuel, firing up the gas powered generators to make it through their self perpetuating energy crisis, CNN making those changes to bring them back to a more news-based format, the FBI’s attempts to get folks to sign away their gun rights, a teacher in jail over not using a kid’s preferred pronouns and MacDonald’s bringing back a breakfast classic which gives me hope they may finally get the pastry thing right again!
It’s up to you where we go today. What’s it going to be?
BML Thursday: Your Pastor is Tired!
…creating vs reporting news
This whole “identify as anything you like” phenomenon isn’t very equitable or inclusive. Think differently? Try being a white female college professor who identified as an indigenous person thereby appropriating a culture. At least she kept her original gender…maybe if she had done both…
COVID, political and societal division and a demanding workplace have lots of folks burned out. Included in the mix is your pastor, priest or rabbi. Do we think about those we turn to in times of stress in how they handle theirs? Here’s how: they’re leaving their jobs!
I have media in mind as we tackle our Thursday. It seems some in media are about creating controversy instead of reporting news. No, I know it’s not news, but when previously dependable sources are turning to scandal generation, we are being underserved. Florida Today’s parent company, Gannett, has joined the abandonment of their responsibility to chase web clicks. Their latest attempt is to get you riled up over traffic cameras and how they are used. There are some in media trying to get back to reporting and they are getting heat for it.No matter how it goes someone is going to gripe.
Maybe they need to confer with their pastors?
BML Friday: Age Limit for Politicians?
…school crime- accurate reporting?
The debate over gun laws and safety is ongoing. I don’t see that changing in the near future, but there are some things that shouldn’t make sense to anyone. Once again, the State of New York has gun laws IN A HANDBASKET.
Should there be an age limit for elected officials? At first thought, it seems like a good idea, like it could be for driving. But, is it reasonable? Age seems like an arbitrary benchmark when people’s skills differ at any age. I mean, we wouldn’t elect someone who is cognitively deficient, would we?
WESH is holding televised debates in some Central Florida elections. I like the idea. Any opportunity for voters to learn about candidates is a good thing. Even a cancelled debate can tell the discerning voter a lot. We have an example.
Florida tops the country in a recent survey on education reform. I am not surprised, but we have a long way to go. It appears some school districts, Brevard recently included, are having problems accurately reporting crime on campus. Is it about the district’s reputation or student safety? The two can be mutually exclusive! And when we do have a campus arrest, is the event or evidence sufficient to justify the action? Sadly, we have to wonder.
Welcome to our Friday on BML.