Bill Mick LIVE

Bill Mick LIVE

Bill’s been a morning staple on the Space Coast since 2001. Call the show at 321.768.1240 weekdays from 6am-9am.Full Bio



Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS. 

CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:

09.06.22- Losing Lori


Brevard Supervisor of Elections Lori Scott is retiring in October. The announcement surprised a lot of folks, I’m guessing mainly because of the timing. After all, the General Election is in November.


There will be critical elections operations going on at the time of Lori’s departure. That’s true, but I’m not worried.


Why? Because of the job Lori’s done in her 14 years as Supervisor. She embraced the job and her staff. And that staff, Lori will tell you, is the reason Brevard’s elections run so smoothly.


Under Lori’s leadership, that team has melded into an operation that epitomizes efficiency and excellence.


Brevard’s elections are heralded statewide as the gold standard in the state that sets the standard nationwide.


Thanks, Lori, for a job well done and a staff that is ready to take over as you move on to the life that awaits in your retirement.


We’ll have great elections, but we’ll still miss Lori Scott.


I’ll have more on this posted in a column at

09.07.22- Can we talk?


Can we talk? I mean, really, can we talk anymore?


A big part of talking is our ability to listen. Have we lost that?


Are we so dug in on our positions, whatever they may be, that we don’t listen when communicating with others?


It sure seems that way at times.


We have a couple of examples that indicate it may not be as bad as it appears.


Two different liberals found their way into President Trump’s MAGA rallies and were surprised at what they found.


They were welcomed, befriended, even. That’s not what most would expect.


It’s not what the media or the current president presents to us. But, it is what is possible.


But we must be open to it or it will never happen. I am not saying cave on your positions, but we have to listen respectfully and have the discussion.


Once we learn that things will begin to improve.

09.08.22- Your Pastor’s Tired


We have experienced a lot in the last few years. We’ll start with COVID and all it brought to us- illness, fear of illness, vaccines to use or not, remote activities, a loss of connection and more.


Then there is work, at the office or remote as well. And then politics and division. We have become critical of everything these days.


Who bears the brunt of it? Likely your family first; and then if you’re a person of faith it falls to your church community and your pastor.


Pastors are people, too and our pastors are tired.


A recent study says some 42% of them are considering leaving their calling because of the stress brought on by the things we have noted.


Who comforts the comforter? Other than his boss, that’d be us.


Offer them encouragement and thanks. Give them your prayers. They need them just like the rest of us.


They’ll appreciate it and we’ll all benefit in the long run.

09.09.22- Age Limit to be Elected?


Should there be an age limit on those we elect to public office?


According to a CBS News/YouGov survey, 73% of Americans think so.


The survey crosses all political and age boundaries with similar results for each.


71% of Democrats and 75% of both Independents and Republicans say so. Even 74% those 65 and older agree.


75% of 30–64-year-olds say so. Those under 30 are the most age forgiving, still at a high 68%.


70 was the age most suggested as the limit with 26% saying 60 should be it. 18% think 80 is too old.


Me? I see age as too arbitrary to draw the line on qualified candidates. Some will be capable at 80 while others won’t be at any age.


Besides, if voters actually believe this, they already have the ability to limit a candidate of any age…vote according to what you believe.


No, it’s not age that makes the candidate, but it’s nice to see us agreeing on something these days!

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