Apparently MAGA isn’t what the president claimed (and then denied he said) in his First Order/Empire Strikes Back address. The left hates it when they are wrong. That gets our first hour of a WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY started. The rest of our day is up to you, it’s why we have a WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY at all.
Not that there aren’t things on my mind. Brevard’s political rumor mill, fueled by the D-53 Rep is one of them. We also have California, the home of all things non-fossil fuel, firing up the gas powered generators to make it through their self perpetuating energy crisis, CNN making those changes to bring them back to a more news-based format, the FBI’s attempts to get folks to sign away their gun rights, a teacher in jail over not using a kid’s preferred pronouns and MacDonald’s bringing back a breakfast classic which gives me hope they may finally get the pastry thing right again!
It’s up to you where we go today. What’s it going to be?
Liberal surprised at Maga rally
Not the first time & left doesn’t like it
Biden: I didn’t say what I clearly said!
School districts sue state to stop education law
6 charter amendments make November ballot
CA cranks up gas generators for power
The FBI & signing away your gun rights
The left can’t handle CNN’s retooling
How the Left loves to label us
McD’s has a start on bringing back classic breakfast
Teacher in jail over pronoun refusal!
College Football playoff expanding!
USAF- please stop embarrassing us!
UN- minorities can’t control primal urges