Bill Mick LIVE

Bill Mick LIVE

Bill’s been a morning staple on the Space Coast since 2001. Call the show at 321.768.1240 weekdays from 6am-9am.Full Bio



Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS. 

CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:

08.29.22- Disappointment


It’s part of the process, disappointment.


Space is an enormous challenge. There are vast unknowns and grave concerns.


But we are humans and space is for exploring. But it takes disappointment to get there.


Artemis 1 was scheduled to launch from the Kennedy Space Center this morning. It didn’t happen. A technical issue with the number 3 engine made launching today impossible.


Disappointing, yes, but it is part of getting back to the moon.


It’s a new vehicle, a new crew capsule and a new launch system incorporating many things we have learned from Gemini, Apollo, the Shuttle and more.


With new technology comes new challenges and making sure everything is as safe as it can be for the astronauts that will ride atop the most powerful rocket man has built.


We were disappointed it didn’t go today, but experience has taught us, it will go when the bugs are worked out and the time is right.


It’s far better to be disappointed on the ground.

08.30.22- NOT Media Regulation!


There is a cry, with a changing media landscape, for federal regulation of news entities. This is a very bad idea.


Yes, Big Tech, because of how we consume our news, has massive control of how news is presented. And yes, it’s to the detriment of small and local news entities and their followers.


But a proposed federal law, called the Journalism, Competition and Preservation Act is not the answer.


When is the last time you saw the name of a federal law do what its title implied? Go ahead; think about it, I’ll wait…




…See what I mean?


It’s like media and the public screaming to be saved from ourselves. Congress, the federal government, can’t do that.


Citizenship takes work and far too few of us are putting it in. If we stay the course we’ll see government controlling the message and our lives.


I think we all want better than that.

08.31.22- Hey, Hey, We’re the…FBI?


A made for television 1960’s rock band was apparently considered subversive by the FBI.


The Monkees, a four-man group brought together as an American TV counter to the British invasion, were investigated twice by J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI.


Mickey Dolenz has filed to have those records released to him for future publication purposes.


In one, the group was alleged to have participated in anti-Vietnam War activities. The other…


Well, we don’t know, the records are completely redacted! Sound familiar?


I enjoyed the Monkees music as a kid. I’ve enjoyed it more as an adult.


I never saw the Monkees as a danger to our way of life. The FBI apparently did.


I hope the FBI has better things to do than investigate musicians.


After Mar-a-Lago, I have my doubts!


09.01.22- Blood and Honey


I couldn’t believe it when I saw it, but it made me smile. Now, I have to see it!


It’s Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey, a live action movie that has Pooh and Piglet going on a murderous rampage after Christopher Robin abandons them to go off to college.


Think of it as Pooh meets Halloween!


I don’t know if it’s the shock of a beloved children’s character being depicted in this way, the humor of the idea in general or something else, but I am being drawn to this movie.


I know it’s not going to be Top Gun Maverick, but it’s not supposed to be.


It’s the irreverence of it all. Everybody loves Winnie the Pooh. Apparently, though, Pooh doesn’t love everybody.


The trailer is out and it looks like any horror/slasher film. The tie to Winnie the Pooh makes all the difference.


Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey. 


Sounds like the perfect date night to me!


No wonder I’m single!

09.02.22- You’re Being Watched


You…are being watched. 


And…you’re asking for it.


It’s not paranoia if someone is actually following you, and we are all being followed.


We may not know it. We may not think about it, but it’s happening.


And we freely give others the ability to track us, and our lives, for the sake of convenience.


Our smart phones are essential to most of us. They are a fast, convenient way to stay in touch, do work and find whatever we are looking for- including traffic information when we are traveling.


By agreeing to the terms of service of the apps or websites we use, we agree to our data being collected. We don’t even think about it.


Should we be surprised it is then being used to establish our lives’ patterns of behavior?


Yep, we are being watched and, apparently, we are just fine with it.

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