Remember the UCF linebacker with one hand? The kid was impressive and he made it to the NFL. He’s now retiring from the game. His future still looks bright.
The governor’s race between former governor Prime Time Charlie Crist and Governor Ron DeSantis looks to be an interesting one. Crist isn’t off to a stellar start if you ask me. You don’t begin by alienating voters; but what do I know? I’m not a politician who twists in the wind to determine my opinions. Insulting us is not the way into rational voters’ graces.
That doesn’t stop the media from pushing Crist against a governor they’d like to portray as the political reincarnation of Donald Trump.
President Biden got a lesson in law from a federal judge. The lesson: abortion now belongs to the states. Biden’s student loan forgiveness is not being well received and his reaction to that is less than impressive.
Florida Today’[s John Torres joins us in hour-three as we kick the news around on a Thursday edition of Bill Mick LIVE.
Talk to me when you get Monkey bars!
Prime Time Charlie doesn’t want YOUR vote!
Media take on Crist v DeSantis race
Biden student loan handout reaction
Biden response on “fairness” of loan forgiveness
Florida Today terminology is telling (and off)
Appeals court ends abortion limit injunction
Federal judge to Biden on abortion: it belongs to the states
Orlando NAACP president- surprised the group is racist
DeSantis takes heat for fighting ESG
PA wants to be FL when it grows up