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Here’s a recap of the week…
In Uvalde cops did not act and parents were stopped from rescuing their own children. There's been another situation in Arizona that raises the question of parent rescue yet again. We are less trusting of our institutions than ever before, and often with good reason. But in an active situation, what should folks do?
Philadelphia is going mask crazy again and it doesn’t make any sense.
We talked last week about Governor DeSantis Press Secretary doing a stellar job. She’s moving on, but not going far.
There are those who either don’t understand political influence and how it’s wielded, don’t like it or can’t accept the reality of it. Whatever it is, the Wayne Ivey influence story won’t die. Is it campaign desperation, or something more?
And what’s the role of the media in all of this? We have a story where a NY Times reporter believed running a story by Chuck Schumer was the way to go.
Are politics dominating our thoughts and relationships? Are Democrats even likeable? Well, some of them don’t think so, no wonder we are skeptical. Yet, that’s not my experience. I have friends who are on the other side of the political aisle.Do we talk politics? Yes, we do. Are we confrontational? Rarely. Have we lost the art of connecting with each other?
Bill Maher may be trying to save progressivism, but he’s finding some hard truths along the way. I have always believed if we can’t hold our own accountable we have no business trying to hold others to those standards.
Supervisor of Elections Lori Scott will join us at 7:42 as we look at Early and Mail Voting and the common mistakes and misunderstandings of voters. I erred in handling my mail ballot over the weekend. I wonder if my correction helped or hurt.
In our final hour DAVE DOES HISTORY… we have this idea that the American Revolutionary war was a series of great events that usually saw the Continentals getting the best of the British or the Hessian's or the spies sent to find out our plans. We love to read and hear about the magnificent and inspiring victories and the mighty leaders who stood resolutely against tyranny…
But on this day in 1780, one of the darkest events of the entire war took place on the field in Camden, SC.
When Political Correctness is more important than a nation’s security, our priorities are out of whack. Our day begins there. Bill Maher and I won’t agree on many things, and while his motives may be to save the left, what he points out about the result of their actions is valid. Other states would like to control Florida voting law and they are trying to do just that.Liz Cheney lost her primary bid to stay in congress. Smith and Wesson’s CEO is fighting back against politicians who vilify his industry and miss the mark on the cause of crime in the country.
Those are my WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY topics, but today is up to you. What’s on your mind? Get it on the table with us when you call us at 321.768.1240.
Have I said it’s Crazy Season? That's only because it is. Campaigns and elections drive candidates to the brink of madness and there are plenty of folks willing to help them get there, me included. In fact, if they gave me the ambulance, straight jackets and keys to the padded room, I’d be happy to escort some of the folks engaged in today’s campaign environment to the nut house. You’d think me if I did. We’ll cite examples during today’s show.
The CDC is not happy with its performance during COVID. Welcome to the party; it’s a bit late, but we’re glad to have you! Governor DeSantis was on with Glenn Beck and pointed out something we talked earlier this week- political correctness has no place in medicine.
For decades the Associated Press has been the go-to source for language used by the media, and thereby, the rest of us. It's not so much the case anymore. We need to stop listening to those who defy common sense in their practices and edicts.
We have yet another nonsensical story from Florida Today that seems to be doing the bidding of its local political masters, whoever they are. Focused on County Commission D-4, the politically naïve piece sees written to try and drive voters away from the apparent frontrunner and question his conservative credentials. But, who benefits from this, and why does Florida Today think this is news?
The Brevard County Commission found the school millage rate increase can go to the November ballot and they have backed the Charter Review Commission’s proposal for School Board recalls.
And if we get time, Smith & Wesson’s CEO is not bashful about placing blame for rising crime rates where it belongs. New York’s governor has done her part to prove his point!
Our daily discussions begin IN A HANDBASKET as cultural issues seem to dominate our world. Today we’ll see that gender, actual gender, does matter and people are beginning to listen.
I’ve been hearing all week that the entire Melbourne Village Police Department will resign today. An article posted yesterday at Florida Today that sheds some light on the story. Cape Canaveral is hoping to avoid a circle of death that FDOT wants to bring to their city. We'll see if they can succeed.
If you saw Val Demings’ initial TV ad in her run to unseat Marco Rubio you’d think Demings was a super cop. I have never thought much of her as a cop or a politician. And now her security staff is accused of roughing up a would-be reporter trying to question her.
Florida Today has a report about voter registration in Brevard and the growth of no party affiliated voters. I would remind the paper that voters who choose NPA status are not being locked out of anything. They are making a choice.
Supervisor of elections Lori Scott will update us on the Primary Election at 7:42. Far too many people are buying into conspiracy theory misinformation and it shows.
In our 8am hour we’ll look at election season and it’s influencers with Eastern Florida State College’s Political Science professor Chris Muro. From President Trump’s endorsements to those handed out locally we’ll see the impact they have and what outcomes seem likely.