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Here’s a recap of the week…
The weekend was a good one, busy as it was.2 of my grandkids were in a play, Charlotte’s Web, and it was great to see them performing. News was busy, as we’ll see when the show gets rolling.Our final candidate interviews are this morning. House District 24 will be in focus.
Over the weekend I was sent yet another out of control HOA story. This one makes you scratch your head. What makes people think they can control everything?
I said a week or so ago that at some point in a campaign all candidates are crazy. Some are just stupid and that has one would-be candidate off the ballot. The game, any game, has rules. Play by them or find yourself on the outside looking in.
Nikki Fried has ratcheted up her campaign against Ron DeSantis. Fried seems to have a misread on just who brought culture wars to our schools. She has another battle she would be better served addressing. Her Democratic opponent, Prime Time Charlie Crist, made a stop in Satellite Beach trying to gather the radical vote of his party.
The investigation into the Dobbs decision leak has narrowed down the suspect list. These things take time and with 90 suspects it won’t be over soon. Another report says that leak stopped Chief Justice John Roberts’ efforts to preserve Roe.
Robbie Brackett and Karen Hiltz will join us in our 7:40 and 8:40 segments today as they seek the Republican nomination for the Florida House D-34 seat. That will conclude our Primary Season interviews and my column announcing my votes will post Wednesday at BillMick.com. You can catch up with all of our interviews in the Primary Election Candidate Interviews post, also on the web site.
Disney is back IN A HANDBASKET this morning. The drive to be “inclusive” is taking the Mouse House to absurdity land.
We have had lots of discussion about education. Teacher pay is always an issue, but we’re not always comparing apple to apples.
Orlando had a shooting incident over the weekend. The city’s reaction will bring other things to mind. So, is it worth trying to go to Orlando or are we better off staying away?
Sheriff Wayne Ivey, scheduled with us on Friday’s show, had submitted a request for a budget increase, but has now walked it back. There are some tough conversations to have if we want our governments to continue providing expected services.
On August 2, 1776, the members of the Continental Congress gathered to finish what they had begun back in July. Now, each of the men was called forward, one at a time, to affix his name to the final version of the document which had already electrified the world.
There was one man who did not sign that day. He had signed back on July 4th. As the President of the 2nd Continental Congress, John Hancock had the honor of speaking on behalf of the new nation and had put his flourished signature on the document before anyone else. There is much more to his story and we’ll learn that today with DAVE DOES HISTORY in our final hour.
When you call the show today, topic selection is entirely up to you. It’s the one day each week my topics are secondary. If you have something we have not discussed, didn’t get to weigh in on something we have or just have a different take than we’d normally get to, today is your day.
For my part, the former County Attorney who advised the commission on new lobbying restrictions has been caught violating those very rules. Election misinformation abounds and those spouting it aren’t concerned with being factual. My main focus today will be the trash pile of election mailers that came when mail ballots hit our mailboxes last week. Some are good. Most are not and a D-4 county commission candidate should be firing a campaign consultant for the stupid mailer that was sent out.
While we are talking elections, the INSIDER COLUMN detailing my votes (or how I would if I were eligible in each district) will post today at noon here at BillMick.com. We’ll begin discussing those selections on tomorrow’s show.
Our main question today is…What’s on YOUR mind?
Our day will open with a United Launch Alliance launch scheduled for 6:29am. The top secret mission will place a missile early warning satellite in orbit.
Yet another candidate has alleged that Sheriff Wayne Ivey attempted to urge her out of her race. We’ll lay the story out in our 7am hour. Sheriff Ivey is scheduled with us in tomorrow’s 8am hour. We’ll see how he responds to these allegations.
My votes in the upcoming Primary Election posted yesterday at noon. It’s something I have done since my radio career began. People were asking, and I see it as an opportunity to be open about my votes and the thinking that goes into them. I don’t expect folks to agree with all or any of them. If they make you think and consider the reasons behind your vote…Mission Accomplished! We’ll kick them around in our 8am hour.
Politics is not a game for sissies. It can be intense, confrontational, deceptive and even daunting to those who are new to the game. I inherited my interest in politics from my dad. As I matured, the interest continued and after a career in law enforcement (not a stranger to politics in its own right) I landed in the play by play booth of the political arena. It’s the job and I’m told it’s valuable in keeping the community entertained and informed. I’m glad for that; it is the goal after all, to have our community engaged in shaping our governments. Not everybody gets it and that includes candidate who don’t necessarily get what we do or just how engaged this audience is. We’ll have more on this in our 7am hour of this Friday.
We’ll start the day with Bigfoot. Anybody seen a skunk ape lately?
Saving a hoarse by riding a cowboy has found a slow ride to trial. Almost Governor Andrew Gillum’s Federal corruption trial has been delayed from this month until the spring. I’m thinking his defense team needs all the time it can get.
A Tampa area congressional candidate isn’t. A judge has blocked his run because the candidate could not manage to properly file his candidacy paperwork. Governor DeSantis has suspended a State Attorney for claiming he would not prosecute certain crimes.
Hour three brings Sheriff Wayne Ivey to our studios. Wayne’s been in the news of late, more in the political realm than that of policeman, but there are law enforcement issues to take on. And, yes, I will ask the question about the elephant in the room. We’ll see what the sheriff has to say.