Bill Mick LIVE

Bill Mick LIVE

Bill’s been a morning staple on the Space Coast since 2001. Call the show at 321.768.1240 weekdays from 6am-9am.Full Bio



Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS. 

CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:

08.01.22- Rules and Responsibility


Rules, they’re all over the place. In some cases those rules are laws, and when you don’t follow those bad things happen.


Ask would-be congressional candidate Jerry Torres. He’s a Tampa area Republican with a problem. The candidate oath that is part of the qualifying paperwork requires a notarized signature. 


Torres didn’t get his signature notarized. A judge has ruled Torres must be decertified as a candidate. Oops!


Torres attorneys are blaming “professional campaign staff” for the error. I have a problem with that.


The candidate is ultimately responsible for everything to do with his campaign. Everything.


The fact that his attorneys are laying blame elsewhere tells me a lot. If that’s all they have it’s time to stop fighting, step down, learn the lesson and move on.


There’s a lot to be said for responsibility.

08.02.22- The USSO (Orlando)


Welcome to the United Soviet State of Orlando! After a weekend shooting of 7 people early Sunday morning as the bars closed, Mayor Buddy Dyer says Orlando will implement security checkpoints to enter downtown on Friday and Saturday nights.


Yes, welcome to the USSO!


Maybe we divide Orlando into East and West sections and let the Mayor’s Minions decide who can move freely and who cannot in the occupied section of the city.


Who would want to go there under a veil of supposed security that does nothing more than create a target rich environment?


Dyer said given the opportunity he’d ban weapons in all of Orlando.


Is he trying to create another Pulse nightclub event?


No, this alleged security is nothing of the sort. When seconds count, police are only minutes away!


I think I’ll keep the Space Coast and leave Orlando to the KGB.

08.03.22- Campaign Trash


They came last week, the same time my mail ballot arrived. The campaign mailers.


They’re timed for maximum impact when you first get that mail ballot. They don’t always have the desired result.


That’s usually because of stupid campaign advisors, stupid candidates, or both.


A four-page newspaper sized mailer with VOTE BY ABSENTEE TODAY emblazoned throughout the piece shows the discerning voter just how out of touch Dave Armstrong is. We have not had absentee ballots for a long time.


Another D-4 commission mailer shows the candidate’s top priority is election integrity. That’s not a function of the county commission and you’d think Sandra Sullivan would know that.


Most candidates cram too much information on a mailer. It’s like a biography on a postage stamp. Nobody will pay attention. Nor should they.


Funny, the judges who can’t tell you anything have the best mailers!

08.04.22- Bill’s Primary Picks


I’ve done it every year since I started in radio- release how I vote to my listening audience.


I wasn’t an initial fan of the idea. It’s not my job to tell folks how to vote. It is my job to encourage them to be educated voters.


So, what I do is openly show my votes and the reasons for those decisions.


If folks agree, fine. If they disagree, fine. If they think about it, even better.


I do have the opportunity many won’t have in the face-to-face interviews on the show. Those are shared, like my votes, at


A lot can be learned in those one-on-one discussions. Is the candidate aware of the issues in play? Is the candidate confident in the response?


The key is information and the understanding of the position and duties required.


Pay attention, make a decision and vote. It will make a difference for us all.

08.05.22- Bigfoot!


An Ohio woman claims to have recorded Bigfoot. No, not on video, that’d be too decisive. And why are none of those videos clear, anyway?


The recording on her farm is of audio she claims is Bigfoot. The screams and howls, she says, are of a female creature calling her young.


Wildlife experts think it may be an alpha male coyote calling its pack.


Let’s see…bigfoot or coyote? Which is more likely? Which is documented to actually exist?


We have seen coyotes. We have photos, videos and even roadkill. Can we say the same for sasquatch? I mean other than Harry and the Henderson’s.


Yet, there are actual believers out there and they walk among us. They’re just seeing the world a little differently than we do.


It’s kind of like the climate change crazies…only a lot more fun.

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