When you call the show today, topic selection is entirely up to you. It’s the one day each week my topics are secondary. If you have something we have not discussed, didn’t get to weigh in on something we have or just have a different take than we’d normally get to, today is your day.
For my part, the former County Attorney who advised the commission on new lobbying restrictions has been caught violating those very rules. Election misinformation abounds and those spouting it aren’t concerned with being factual. My main focus today will be the trash pile of election mailers that came when mail ballots hit our mailboxes last week. Some are good. Most are not and a D-4 county commission candidate should be firing a campaign consultant for the stupid mailer that was sent out. Also an issue- candidates who believe social media is all the campaigning they need to do.
While we are talking elections, the INSIDER COLUMN detailing my votes (or how I would if I were eligible in each district) will post today at noon here at BillMick.com. We’ll begin discussing those selections on tomorrow’s show.
Our main question today is…What’s on YOUR mind?
The pandemic a portal to socialism?
Former County Attorney violated lobbying rules
Ghost candidate case moving forward
Be wary of election misinformation
Sheriff adjusts budget request
The Supreme leak investigation
So, is the Space Race back on?
IL health workers find cure for vax mandate