Bill Mick LIVE

Bill Mick LIVE

Bill’s been a morning staple on the Space Coast since 2001. Call the show at 321.768.1240 weekdays from 6am-9am.Full Bio


BML Tuesday: Not What they Appear to Be

Disney is back IN A HANDBASKET this morning. The drive to be “inclusive” is taking the Mouse House to absurdity land.

We have had lots of discussion about education. Teacher pay is always an issue, but we’re not always comparing apple to apples.

Orlando had a shooting incident over the weekend. The city’s reaction will bring other things to mind. So, is it worth trying to go to Orlando or are we better off staying away?

Sheriff Wayne Ivey, scheduled with us on Friday’s show, had submitted a request for a budget increase, but has now walked it back. There are some tough conversations to have if we want our governments to continue providing expected services. 

On August 2, 1776, the members of the Continental Congress gathered to finish what they had begun back in July. Now, each of the men was called forward, one at a time, to affix his name to the final version of the document which had already electrified the world.

There was one man who did not sign that day. He had signed back on July 4th. As the President of the 2nd Continental Congress, John Hancock had the honor of speaking on behalf of the new nation and had put his flourished signature on the document before anyone else. There is much more to his story and we’ll learn that today with DAVE DOES HISTORY in our final hour.


Disney- “Fairy Godmother’s Apprentices”



Leaving teaching for better…at Walmart

Welcome to the USSO(rlando)

Sheriff adjusts budget request

The Supreme leak investigation


Dave Bowman




Thursday a BIG launch day

Surrounded by idiots

BPS/BFT have a deal

So, is the Space Race back on?



IL health workers find cure for vax mandate

The PGA can’t handle competition, but tries to

So much for that whole property thing

Inviting violence

Changing the Supremes?

THE LEAK shut down Roberts’ effort to save Roe

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