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Here’s a recap of the week…
It’s a woman’s world; at least it was over the weekend for those who can actually define what a woman is! For those that can’t…we have our IN A HANDBASKET segment to open our talk week.
Moms for Liberty held their Summit in Tampa over the weekend and by all accounts it was a great success. Multiple media reports tell the tale. There is every reason to expect more success for this locally founded, national organization in the years to come. That bodes well for education and our country.
There was a follow-up story to the candidate allegations of impropriety on the part of our sheriff when it comes to other races in the primary election. Sadly, the story adds nothing to change the status quo from our discussion last Friday.
An Indiana Mall was the scene of a shooting yesterday. The shooter, armed with a rifle and multiple magazines, was taken out by the proverbial good guy with a gun. On a related note, a lengthy report is out about eh Uvalde police response. It doesn’t look good for the cops that were there from multiple agencies.
We’ll resume our candidate interviews this morning with County Commission D-4. I have slated our 7:40 segment for David Armstrong. He had no contact information available on the Supervisor of Elections website and I do not anticipate his appearance. In our 8:40 segment Sandra Sullivan is scheduled to appear.
In our Woman’s World program yesterday we heralded the successes of Moms for Liberty. The acclaim is well deserved and the media could not help but acknowledge it. There was a small setback we did not get to. We’ll start our 7am hour with that.
We’ll circle back to the saga of Sheriff Wayne Ivey’s political influence continues. The insinuating candidates held a press conference, but outside of saying they thought the sheriff was actually trying to help them in their political careers, there was nothing new to the story. There is smoke, but is there really a fire? Unless there are details yet to emerge, this story would appear to be a dud.
The county commission meets today and will be deciding on a controversial use of TDC tax dollars. The $30m investment would benefit one hotel venue and would seem contrary to the purpose of the TDC tax.
A report on Uvalde is out and law enforcement on scene is painted in a very bad light. They should be. A weekend mall shooting in Indiana was ended by a good guy with a gun. The left is outraged that he is being called a Good Samaritan.
Our day begins IN A HANDBASKET where there is finally a comic book that rejects WOKE ideology. I hope the creator makes millions. Going the other direction is a Gator quarterback hopeful who has decided to drop his nickname because of its firearms related reference.
IN A HANDBASKET today we find electric vehicles. Apparently saving the planet costs more money than that EV is worth. That makes no difference to the Biden administration as the Transportation Secretary admitted and then denied saying, all in a congressional hearing.
Toy’s R Us closed a few years ago. It appears the former toy giant is making a comeback of sorts. The kid in me is happy to see this. We’ll see if it takes hold.
The County Commission did some gift giving to Weston Hotels yesterday as the $30m in corporate welfare that even the TDC was against was doled out like candy at a Christmas parade. A child’s drug related death led to a drug ring being shut down. The crimes were headed by a former corrections officer.
Also not respecting our laws and system of government were 16 members of congress who were protesting outside the Supreme Court. Yet, they’d expect us to respect their institution. Republicans are now more trusted on education than the Democrats. That should come as no surprise. We also did not get to the report on Uvalde that does not look good for any of the law enforcement agencies on scene.
Today though, is a WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY where you control the conversation with the topic of your choice when you call us at 321.768.1240. What is it that has you thinking this morning?
We finished the day with CC D-4 candidate Rob Feltner.
Apparently it’s Crazy Season in America. We have the gender bending nonsense that makes us the generation that stopped using common sense. The Army is backing down staffing requirements, but maintaining the woke agenda for recruits. The US Attorney in Washington, DC is refusing to prosecute comedy producers from a CBS show for their unlawful entry to government offices. Protesters are threatening more than Supreme Court members and their families over the Dobbs decision. Members of congress got themselves arrested for illegal protests at the court. The Vice President seems to be unaware of hour our government is supposed to work and her boss is out of touch.
It doesn’t stop with the national stories; it filters down to the local level, too. First, as noted in yesterday’s INSIDER COLUMN, a local editor thought it appropriate to curse me for minutes on end as he disagreed with a recent take of mine on an issue. Then, just yesterday, a candidate misunderstood what I said at the conclusion of our candidate interview with D-4 County Commission candidate Rob Feltner.The result was an inaccurate Facebook post demanding an apology for something I did not do. Then again, when a candidate doesn’t get that I am not her opponent in the race, we can expect crazy to come into play.
We devote our Thursday to CRAZY SEASON!
Is noise part of the NASCAR experience? What if there was no roar of the engines? Would it be the same? We could be finding out. Stock car racing is IN A HANDBASKET this morning as EV racing could become a thing. I'm thinking it would be a thing that nobody wants to watch.
Do you answer robocalls, or even unknown calls to your cell phone? Why? Why not? Does government need to babysit your phone for you?
Is cancel culture killing creativity? Are comedians afraid to be funny? One comic legend says so and I tend to agree with him.
Speaking of comedy, Charlie Crist and Nikki Fried debated yesterday. One of them will get to be the first loser in the November gubernatorial election.
Not so funny is FDOT’s love for Circles of Death and they want another one in Cape Canaveral. The city is trying to fight back, but can the effort succeed?
We’ve invited School Board D-5 candidates to interview on today’s show. Katye Campbell will join us at 7:40am. Her opponent did not bother to reply to our invitation, but we do have some information on her positions that you will find, let’s say, interesting.
Monday begins our interviews in the School Board D-2 race.