Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS.
CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:
07.18.22- A Woman’s World
It’s a woman’s world, As long as we can define what a woman is.
They have trouble with that at the University of Pennsylvania as they nominated Lia Thomas, a man, to the NCAA to be Woman of the Year.
Fortunately, an actual woman swimmer from the University of Kentucky is speaking out about the idiocy.
And in that REAL women’s world, Moms for Liberty held their inaugural Summit in Tampa over the weekend. While the event drew some protests, it was also met with acclaim from a media that may not necessarily agree with the Moms, but could not help but acknowledge the remarkable growth and impact of this locally founded national group.
M4L’s Joyful Warriors gathered to hear from speakers like Governor DeSantis and Ben Carson. They also worked on training and preparing candidates and local chapters to engage in their own communities.
Yep, it’s a woman’s world and we’ll all be better off the more success they have.
07.19.22- What’s in a Nickname?
A Florida Gator QB has embarrassed us all. Anthony Richardson has decided to change his nickname. The kid is clueless. I’ll tell ya why.
I’m in favor of the Name, Image Likeness payments to college athletes. If the universities are going to profit from the kids’ talent, the kids should get a cut.
It's turned into a nightmare. The Richardson story shows it.
His nickname, using his initials and newly chosen jersey number, is AR-15.
Shooters and gun control advocates know the connotation. A rifle!
Could there be any better nickname for a QB? I think not.
Yet, because of the societal concerns of the uninformed, Richardson wants to change AR-15 to something that is not firearms related. He says his marketing people are working on REBRANDING him.
He's not even a guaranteed starter and he’s worried about branding? He’d better start worrying about football or his brand won’t matter at all!
07.20.22- The EV Lie
America is not ready for all-electric vehicles. The Biden administration is pushing the agenda anyway. We spent our first hour of Wednesday in that discussion.
It started with a story of a Florida family’s shocking wake-up call on the not-ready-for-prime-time technology.
They bought a used EV with 60k miles on it. In less than 6 months the battery life was gone. They paid $11k for the car. The battery replacement was $14k before labor. And, the batteries are no longer made.
Charging times and facilities make the vehicles impractical.
A friend at work had a similar situation with his EV that would have left him stranded on 528 had our boss not been minutes behind him. He bought another EV.
I don’t get that, but it was his decision.
The technology is not ready for EV’s and neither is America.
07.21.22- CRAZY SEASON
Thursday started with gender idiots who don’t want archaeologists to identify recovered remains as male or female. They say we can’t know how those people identified. I would add nor do we care!
PA house Democrats can’t even call women women. How degrading is that? They have created the term non-men!
In our final hour we talked about more crazy. Now, all candidates are crazy at some point in their campaigns. I have talked this repeatedly with campaign watchers through the years. It’s like election paranoia sets in.
I get it; their jobs are on the line. But, even the most seasoned candidates worry about the whims of voters.
One candidate called the show as we discussed this to threaten me with filing an FCC complaint. Wanna guess how fast that phone call ended?
Yes, it’s crazy season and I’m OK with that. It keeps me employed!
07.22.22- Electric NASCAR?
It seems bad ideas abound, even in the sports world. NASCAR has come up with a doozy- Electric Vehicle Racing.
Imagine Daytona with, “Gentlemen, start your engines,” followed by no roar, but near silence as the battery powered SUV’s come to life.
Imagine a line of cars coming by you with almost no sound…unless they crash.
Imagine a race with no pit stops, no fuel or tire strategy and the boring hum that reminds you of the computer running in the background in your office.
That doesn’t sound like a plan for success to me.
Everyone is pushing this not-ready-for-prime-time technology and this one will push us right to sleep.
NASCAR has done itself enough damage in recent years. It needs to rethink this one for sure.