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Here’s a recap of the week…
It was an eventful weekend. Friends, old and new, work, political work and protests kept my head spinning. It’s good to be settled in and back to our daily discussion. Political work was the focus of my Sunday office time. Candidate qualifying is behind us and it’s time to get to know these folks. We have a job to do, as do they. It amazes me how some of them do not seem to get that.
The Dobbs decision was released by the Supreme Court Friday and thereby, Roe v Wade is overturned. The country reacted in tumult. Protests and misinformation rage across the country and social media has become an even bigger garbage pit than it was already known to be.
Americans have lost the ability to debate, respect differences of opinion and realistically look at almost any situation. We are smarter than this, or at least we used to be. Today, we look at the issue, not through a religious or moral prism- nobody’s changed their mind on abortion as a result of the decision, but with a view to who we are and how we act when controversy erupts. Do you know anyone who has changed their position on abortion because of this? I’d give that legitimate caller unlimited time to tell us how it made the decision for them. Instead, we’ll be better served by seeking a way to disagree without the idiocy and violence that is all too common in America today.
An insidious agenda is at play in our schools. We would all like to think it’s not happening here in Brevard, but it is. In hour three we’ll talk to a Brevard teacher who will shock us with what’s happening in our schools. Moms for Liberty co-founder Tina Descovich also joins us as we consider the battle for our kids, our schools and the country.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Karma's a, well, you know. There is irony, humor and a bit of, “See, I told you so,” in the weekend’s straw poll conducted by the Brevard Republican Executive Committee. As our headline for the page tells you, the poll did not come off particularly well.We could chalk it up to how things happen and no big deal if BREC weren’t so caught up in the Black Helicopter fury of the 2020 presidential election. The local arm of the Republican Party is allowing an outfit called DEFEND FLORIDA to control BREC’s agenda in spite of BREC having information from the best authority we could ask, Brevard SOE Lori Scott, that DEFEND FLORIDA‘s assertions and demands are without merit and caused BREC to ask our SOE to violate the law. We’ll dive into the BREC Train Wreck in our 7am hour.
We’ll begin the day with Columbus, Ohio’s police department IN A HANDBASKET. While cops are expected to serve everyone in the community, they are not billboards for causes. Well, they shouldn’t be. That’s not the case in Columbus and the PD is being ridiculed for a dumb decision.
Back to Brevard as the Charter Review Commission has dropped the ball on our tax cap, allowing the County Commission to continue to bust the tax cap and use the increased levels as a baseline from that point forward. The excuse presented for not taking this action was flimsy at best.
In our final hour Dave Bowman is back with more DAVE DOES HISTORY. Today we’ll get a look at the father of our country…no, not THAT father of our country, one you’ve likely to have never come to your attention. He will today.
WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY, if you’ve been living under a rock, is the one day a week we allow you to discuss anything you like on BML. It’s easy enough to do by calling us at 321.768.1240. Any topic is fine. It doesn’t matter what it is, if it’s on your mind it’s on BML.
I am seeing the reaction to the Dobbs decision and wonder if folks actually understand what they are asking of their employers. The people at Amazon’s folks sound like they want the company to overthrow the government. Do they really want that? Can they think beyond one issue?
Our candidate invitations are out and interviews begin next week. I refuse to chase candidates; they are running for office, they should be seeking opportunity. The invitation and schedule are posted here at the web site and are linked below. Given time, I’ll share the races we’ll cover during today’s show.
In other news- bad evidence is driving the January6th hearings and it’s evidence that would not be acceptable in court. But, this is politics, not law. California had a data dump of gun owner information and West Hollywood has voted to defund law enforcement. Here in Brevard, the Clerk’s office has blown through the soft deadline for completing the County Commission spending and practices audit and they project a release of the report sometime this summer.
OK, folks…what’s got you talking today?
America has a problem with WOKENESS. It’s impacting our military and therefore the security of our nation. A WOKE military is a weak military it’s showing in the numbers. Sadly, America’s military is IN A HANDBASKET this morning.
America does seem to be waking to the phenomenon. We are tired of a WOKE agenda being forced upon us at every turn. Much of it is focused on gender and whether or not your sex can actually be changed. We are not buying it.
It could even be leading to a big political shift. Are the Democrats bleeding voters? Are the suburbs turning back to Republicans because the Democrats have gone bonkers? It could be!
Brevard Schools will still ignore dangers to our kids from the WOKE nonsense, but we’ll throw money around like it’s readily available. They can also change policies on renaming schools, but somehow not protect the kids in those schools from bathroom assaults.
Florida Today’s John Torres is with us at 8am. We’ll talk some inside baseball on a media environment that is transforming and things John is looking to in coming weeks.
We all make mistakes. Some are accidental, some are forced, but we all make them. Society is getting pretty good at this; we seem to be making them all the time. We’ll begin our day with stupid cop tricks, error prone marketing, uneducated news folks and move into what we think of where we are as a country.
We’ve got various news stories from around the state to address as well as those from elsewhere in the US. Gun owners under attack, stopping WOKE activism and Governor DeSantis vetoing alimony reform in the state are just a few of them. Let’s see where the morning takes us.