Bill Mick LIVE

Bill Mick LIVE

Bill’s been a morning staple on the Space Coast since 2001. Call the show at 321.768.1240 weekdays from 6am-9am.Full Bio



Each day Bill records a MICKnugget, a one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS. 

CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:

06.27.22- Brevard Teacher Stands Up!


Matt Woodside teaches at Jackson Middle School, for now.


I say for now because Matt is the only leader stepping up for our kids in Brevard schools. The only leader.


No superintendent, no administrator, no other teachers are taking the risk, taking the stand for decency and safety in our schools.


Diversity and Equity have become the buzz words for harming our children, our schools and our society.


Matt laid out details other teachers are relating to him so the story may be told. A girl naked from the waist up in a Brevard boys’ locker room, the teacher told he can do nothing about it. Boys and girls entering opposite gender restrooms or demanding alternate pronoun use without parental notification and in each case, nothing being done.


Matt may be disciplined or even lose his job. His stand is correct. He deserves support.


Listen to the Monday 8am podcast of BML to learn the rest.

06.28.22- BREC Needs to Listen


The BREC is allowing its agenda to be usurped by Defend Florida, an organization fixated on the 2020 election.


BREC recently approved a resolution that Defend Florida authored issuing demands and allegations at Brevard Elections officials. But there’s a problem.


Someone forwarded the resolution to SOE Lori Scott before its approval. Lori responded to the allegations showing BREC, had they paid attention, that her office was in full compliance with concerns and that some of the group’s demands were not lawful.


BREC approved the resolution anyway. Who knows why?


And then BREC got to run its own election, a straw poll, and blundered it. The house of cards came tumbling down.


The stones they threw at our SOE came back to haunt them and shattered the BREC glass house.


BREC needs to sit down, shut up and listen to those who know!

06.29.22- Where’s the Test Kitchen?


A news report this morning brought us the story of a Swedish company responding to complaints that vegan burgers don’t actually taste like meat.


Their solution was to produce a burger that, “tastes like human flesh.”


I have questions!


Who told them they had the taste right?


Where is the test kitchen, New Guinea?


Who’s the target consumer, pigmies?


Is the logo a shrunken head?


They said they took care to make the burger as lifelike as possible. 


Wait, what? Lifelike? Don’t they mean deathlike?


Who did the quality control?


Who thought this would be a good idea, much less find a market?


I can’t answer any of these, but I would not suggest taking the VIP tour of the processing plant. You could go in curious can come out as the featured product of the week!

06.30.22- Welcome to Politics!


My friend John Torres, the editorial page editor at Florida Today, has been in his job a year and half. That means the coming mid-term election will be the first major election of his tenure.


I want to laugh at him! It’s what I do with my friends.


Media folks take election season seriously. We feel a responsibility to provide accurate information to our audiences, especially when it’s about something as important as who is serving in our governments.


That said, candidates in general are a pain. They are singularly focused, which is OK, but they like to be catered to. That is not in my make up. Nor should it be in John’s.


If I had advice for him on this inaugural trip through the process it would be to be fair, but firm. Very firm.


They are running to be public servants, at least they should be. They need what we provide far more than we need them for our shows or columns.


As Joe Friday used to say, just the facts, ma’am. That’d be a good start.

07.01.22- Thinking Caps On


With the primary season upon us it’s time to don our thinking caps.


While it’s true that some local races will be decided in the primary, and some primary races are closed because of legal campaign tricks, it doesn’t mean the job is any easier.


We have choices to make and it takes effort to make good ones.


We’ll do our part by inviting candidates to appear on the show leading up to election day. We can lead a horse to water, but not all will choose to appear.


Voters need to determine who will best represent us in each of these jobs. The parties are no help, in fact, they are largely ineffective.


It falls to the candidate to reach out and it falls to us to do the research. If a candidate is unavailable or off-putting, will they be any better as an office holder?


It's about who has a service mindset and who doesn’t.


Think about it.

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