Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Karma’s a, well, you know. There is irony, humor and a bit of, “See, I told you so,” in the weekend’s straw poll conducted by the Brevard Republican Executive Committee. As our headline for the page tells you, the poll did not come off particularly well. We could chalk it up to how things happen and no big deal if BREC weren’t so caught up in the Black Helicopter fury of the 2020 presidential election. The local arm of the Republican Party is allowing an outfit called DEFEND FLORIDA to control BREC’s agenda in spite of BREC having information from the best authority we could ask, Brevard SOE Lori Scott, that DEFEND FLORIDA‘s assertions and demands are without merit and caused BREC to ask our SOE to violate the law. We’ll dive into the BREC Train Wreck in our 7am hour.
We’ll begin the day with Columbus, Ohio’s police department IN A HANDBASKET. While cops are expected to serve everyone in the community, they are not billboards for causes. Well, they shouldn’t be. That’s not the case in Columbus and the PD is being ridiculed for a dumb decision.
Back to Brevard as the Charter Review Commission has dropped the ball on our tax cap, allowing the County Commission to continue to bust the tax cap and use the increased levels as a baseline from that point forward. The excuse presented for not taking this action was flimsy at best.
In our final hour Dave Bowman is back with more DAVE DOES HISTORY. Today we’ll get a look at the father of our country…no, not THAT father of our country, one you’ve likely to have never come to your attention. He will today.
Columbus , OH PD crashes with PRIDE cruiser
Charter Review drops ball on tax hike
DeSantis vetoes alimony reform
“Ghost candidate” decried by Florida Today
Also laments Dem woes in the county
DeSantis has alimony revamp bill- will he sign it?
BPS losing students (and $), not asking why
Unopposed lawmakers head back to Tallahassee
Dems bleeding voters, over 1m switch parties
Supremes say yes to praying coach
Biden signs gun control measure
Biden Education Department redefines sex for Title IX
Border Agent Discipline coming?
NYT: D’s concerned about Biden’s leadership