Bill Mick LIVE

Bill Mick LIVE

Bill’s been a morning staple on the Space Coast since 2001. Call the show at 321.768.1240 weekdays from 6am-9am.Full Bio



Each day Bill records a MICKnugget. A one-minute take on some issue that got his attention that morning. Below are the scripts for last week’s NUGGETS. 

CLICK HERE if you’d like to hear them. Here are the scripts:

02.14.22- Banking on a Protest


Canadian truckers are counting on their protests to bring an end to vaccine mandates and other government intrusions.


What can’t they bank on? Their bank.


TD Bank has contacted a Canadian court to see if it would accept donations made to the Freedom Convoy and oversee the distribution of those funds. This is not what the donors or the convoy wanted for these funds.


We’re talking $1.4m dollars TD Bank was entrusted to handle appropriately, yet sees fit to do otherwise.


Maybe banking laws in Canada are different, but if you can’t trust your bank, much less the government, to do the right thing, what are we to do?


The Freedom Convoy is fighting this in the courts and who knows how that will end.


First thing I would do is find a trustworthy bank and deal with it exclusively.




02.15.22- Brody Bait & It Worked


It was the open of Tuesday’s show.


The ATF sent a tweet on Valentine’s Day asking exes of criminals to brighten their day by informing on the bad guy exes.


The ridicule was immediate as it is in our social media world.


The ATF has plenty of haters and, to be honest, some of the hatred is justified. All professions have bad actors and those who make bad decisions. The ATF has had its share.


I expected friend of the show, Brody in West Melbourne to call. Brody has strong opinions on law enforcement and the actions they take. I wasn’t wrong.


Brody saw this as a chance for the ATF to act on sketchy information and violate the lives of potentially innocent people.


Certainly, verification of any such information is necessary. It’s a wise caution.


In my career the line agents of the ATF were some of the best cops I even worked with. I won’t hold this against them, in fact, I like the idea!




02.16.22- Pandora’s Box


There’s been a settlement in the lawsuit against Remington in the Sandy Hook Massacre.


There are now 73 million reasons why every manufacturer should be afraid, very afraid.


While the insurance companies representing Remington made the call to settle (I understand Remington wanted to fight on) the problem comes when other attorneys and their alleged victims see other lawful product manufacturers as vulnerable to such tactics.


What other products can be used unlawfully and completely out of the control of the companies that produced them?


Yes, the legal sharks will be in the water and they’ll be hungry. Actual liability won’t matter. They made the product, someone misused it…cars, alcohol, sports equipment, there is no limit.


Lawyers will be lawyers; insurance companies will try and save money and we’ll all end up being victims of Pandora’s Box.




02.17.22- Concessions Not Enough


Canadian truckers are having an impact. The government doesn’t want to admit it, but from their words, the truckers have influenced policy with the Freedom Convoy.


But it’s not over.


Ontario Premier Doug Ford is sounding like he’s listening to the truckers as he tells Canadians that everyone is done with the virus. And we are.


He even noted the ineffectiveness of vaccines in his comments. They are also starting to drop restrictions on gatherings and masks.


It sure sounds like the officials are being moved by the convoy, in spite of their protestations otherwise.


The truckers aren’t buying it and say they are in for the long haul.


How long it takes for it all to end is hard to tell, but someone is finally listening.


It may not be as quick as we would like, but even here in the states we are seeing similar moves.


It’s about time.




02.18.22- The Waking Media?


Is the media waking to wokeness? It would seem so in a couple of examples.


Recently on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Joe Scarbrough and his panel were discussing problems for the Democrats in the upcoming election cycle. 


They pointed to the focus on woke culture that’s been embraced by the left.


They agreed the Democrats must shed that image to have success.


A USA Today piece the same week asked if cancel culture was on the way out as it cited recent wins by several people fighting the woke mob. The assertion is that cancel culture has gone too far.


It's about time the media woke up to this. We’ve been talking it for years.


They were slow to the table because it took them a while to see damage was being done. What they thought was win has made them a target, too.


Welcome to the fight! Nice to have you assist in dismantling a problem you helped to create!

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