Bill Mick LIVE

Bill Mick LIVE

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BML Tuesday: Forget Shark Week- It's SHAQ Week!

A few weeks ago we introduced you to FLANEWSONLINE.COM.  It’s a statewide political news site written by and for conservatives.  David Bishop is the site’s founder who went public with his identity earlier than some anticipated.  David has been around Florida politics for decades and today he joins us to take a look at the race for governor.  He’ll join us through the campaign season with looks at other statewide races and issues including the constitutional amendments on November’s ballot.

As we begin our day it’s SHARK WEEK and I usually don’t care.  However, this year it became Shaq week and that’s worth a little attention!  A Texas lawn service company touted its American owned, legal worker status in its advertising.  They took some heat, but should they have?  And while we are ready at all times to be outraged, is there any chance we can wait for the truth to come out before getting our panties in a twist?

We talked the idiotic campaigning by Attorney General candidate Frank White on yesterday’s show.  Today we get a look at the positions of the candidates on our Stand Your Ground law.  Why did evangelicals back President Trump?  Ummm, did you see the alternative?  Could Judge Kavanaugh be on the Supreme Court by October?  If the Senate races in key states are an indication, the answer is very likely yes.


It’s Shaq week!  Seriously- Shaq and the Shark!

TX lawn service under fire for touting legal workers

Ready for outrage- can we wait for the truth?

Editorial takes on guest submission

AG candidates talk “stand your ground

Jobs rate bodes well for Governor Scott

President to campaign for DeSantis

Evangelicals and President Trump

Is Kavanaugh seated by October?

Kavanaugh draws voter support in key states

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