The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


MSM Proves Trump RIGHT About Canada & Illegal Immigration

A shocking “60 Minutes” report recently proved that Trump was RIGHT to crack down on illegal immigration across the Canadian border. The reporter recently interviewed a member of the Sinaloa cartel, who admitted to trafficking people and drugs across the Canadian border, including fentanyl from China. Glenn breaks down the story, as well as the incredible way the President of El Salvador is handling criminals that refused to self-deport.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So President Trump has imposed a 25 percent tariff on nearly all goods imported from Canada, and he's been saying, you have to work with us. You've got to secure the Northern border.

You've got to stop the drug cartels. The drugs, and the human smuggling that is happening on our northern border. And everybody is like, oh, no, Canada would never do that. That's not a problem. Okay. It's a problem. It's a border. It's a problem. And it's porous.

All of them are. We've got to do something about it. And ask our friends on our border, to help us. Well, they're not. Sixty minutes went up. I can't believe this was on 60 minutes over the weekend.

And they had a cartel smuggler on 60 Minutes.

How does 60 Minutes -- I mean, is that in the phone book. Where do you find a cartel smuggler? But they found one, and he went on record, and he said, I'll always find a way to get people illegally across the border.

Here's a piece of what he said.

VOICE: This video was reported in January. A group of men who just crossed the border. Ran to an SUV that drove them deeper into New York.

You can also see a woman getting out of a car, and go north to Canada. This man told us he coordinated the handoff and took the video.

GLENN: Can you tell us who you work for?

VOICE: For the Sinaloa Cartel.

VOICE: He goes by the name Javi, and he agreed to speak with us only with his camera off. He can't risk his identity being exposed.

VOICE: How does this work? They tell you where to go? They tell you how many people you have to bring across each week?

VOICE: Exactly. That's how it goes. They provide the people. They have more people who are behind all of this. Looking for customers. Finding them. And summoning them to certain locations.

VOICE: We found Javi through his online ads, which he said TikTok recently took down.

GLENN: Wow. Here he is talking about smuggling babies and fentanyl across the border.

VOICE: What's the youngest child you've ever crossed?

VOICE: Three months.

VOICE: Yes. Babies.

VOICE: What happens if one of the migrants you're working with doesn't pay?

VOICE: They cannot go. They're held hostage until they pay up.

VOICE: Until what?

VOICE: Until they pay.

VOICE: Do you work with only humans, or die move drugs also?

VOICE: Everything.

VOICE: How much fentanyl do you move across that border?

VOICE: Lately, it's been quiet. But for a while there, we were bringing in 30 kilos per month.

VOICE: Wow. The drugs come from?

VOICE: From China. I get more into the US, but also it goes from the US to Canada. And weapons.

GLENN: Hmm. Hmm.

Interesting. Isn't it?

So that's what we're dealing with.

And I don't know if you saw the video of the -- the people that, you know, were boarded up on airplanes.

And sent to, where was it?

Venezuela. Not Venezuela.

But El Salvador.

Did you see that?

Trump posted this amazing video.

You guys didn't see this?

Oh, we have to look it up, and play it!

It's this amazing video of the plane arriving in El Salvador. And them getting on the plane. And getting off the plane. And then, you know, ankle and bracelets on their wrists.

Walking hunched down, into this new prison. And I've got to tell you, that video itself, if I were thinking about coming here. I would immediately go, I'm not going there.

If that's what happens to you. I am not going there.

It sent such a strong, strong message.

This is how we treat people who are coming here, who are bad guys.

Now, this is the one that Trump -- or, that the administration is in court now, because an activist judge is like, you can't just do that. You know what, why?

Well, because you didn't vet them. No. I tell you what we did. We gave them exactly the same kind of vetting, that the last president gave when he let them all this.

Now, now, these people were on a list.

Okay? It doesn't mean that they are -- were all gang members. But you're here. You're here illegally. Buh-bye.

I know that sounds heartless. But -- I really believe that they all need to go home. They all need to go home. And a lot of these people were not just on a list. They were known to be gang members. And a lot of them had committed crimes here in America.


See you!

STU: Yeah. If you -- I love that. I love some of these people. Some of these people don't even have criminal records in America.

Well, first of all, if they're here illegally, to me, they have a criminal record. Right?

They act like this is not a crime!

Well, there is a law, okay?

And I understand there's some nuance within that law.

But like, there's a law, you're not supposed to come here. They know they're not supposed to come here. Many of them had criminal records at their home country, and not here.

Again, does that mean, that we don't -- that we're going to leave them here?

Because they didn't commit a crime that we know of yet, here?

I mean, the point is to prevent those, right?

It's possible! Right? That they made a mistake.

There's some claims that a couple of these people, should not have been going to prison.

And even if they should be deported to their home country.

If they didn't commit a major crime. They didn't necessarily need to go to the El Salvadorian lockups.

All that said. Find those problems. Solve those problems. I like what Elon Musk said about this, in the White House, a couple weeks ago.

When he was asked about it. And they said, like, hey. You -- and this has happened with DOGE. Hey, you posted. You saved $1.9 billion. And actually that had been canceled in the previous administration.

And he said, yeah, we're not going to get everything right. When we notice one of those things, we will fix it. And we will get it fixed right away.

Like, that is actually a normal human way to deal with an issue like that. It's so weird in Washington, to hear it.

Now, that's okay.

If you happen to be the person that is sent to this prison.

You won't like it very much.

GLENN: You shouldn't have been here the first place.

STU: That's the point. There's an initial thing that put you into this bucket. If you commit a crime, by crossing into this country, which we have warned you, not to participate in. If you do that, there are consequences to it!

And, you know, if Europe wrongly sent to this prison, they should absolutely correct those mistakes.

GLENN: Well, I have to tell you, I mean, every message he is sending is the exact opposite message that Biden was sending.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: He's sending right now. What Biden was saying. Even if you're a terrorist.

Even if you're a murderer. We won't really check. So come on in, you're fine.

Now, you might be a good person.

You might be, you know, a dad of 16, whatever.

And you're just coming in.

But we don't know.

STU: Yeah. But no.

GLENN: We don't know. So don't come.

Leave. Leave, right now.

Leave on your own.

He is begging people to self-deport.

And when you see the video.

I have to play it for you.

It is amazing. When you see this video, it is -- I watched it, and I was like, oh, we have it.

Yeah. Go ahead and play this. Watch this!

It shows the airplane. Now, here they come down the stairs.

And look how they're all marched in a line.

And they're all being marched right into this maximum security prison compound.

And no, thank you.

STU: It doesn't look great.

GLENN: It does not look great. Look at that.

No, thank you.

STU: And this is -- they actually tweeted this.

The -- the president of El Salvador.

GLENN: Yeah. I mean, you are not -- if you --

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: Yeah. If you are thinking about coming to the country. Or you're here illegally. Would you not be packing up everything right now, and go, yeah?

STU: Why mess with it, right? And it's the messaging.

GLENN: Yeah. Go home.

STU: As much as we've been very, very difficult.

Or tough on illegal immigrants.

It's true. There's always a part of me that does acknowledge the fact that we treat and have for decades. Treated illegal immigration kind of like it's a speeding ticket.

You know, you shouldn't do it. But we're not really going to do anything about it. If I were in a situation, like some horrible country.

Everything was overrun, we were all poor. Would I risk a speeding ticket?


GLENN: Yeah, me too. Right.

STU: This is going to surprise people. Occasionally, I drifted a couple of miles an hour. Over that speed limit here in the United States.

That's off the record for anyone listening.

GLENN: What?

STU: Yeah. Occasionally that happens.

And I do it for almost no gain.

I do it because I want to get home, 13 seconds faster.

If you were -- if your entire family was --

GLENN: You have all that recorded, right?

STU: Was devastated. And the United States government was constantly sending the signal.

Sure, it's kind of like breaking the rules. But don't worry about it. We have sanctuary cities here for you. The president was in a debate. He just won. Joe Biden. And he told you, what should we do with illegal immigrants?

We should welcome them. That's the real policy.

Like, I could. It almost takes away, a good chunk of the responsibility, of the illegal immigrant. That's how bad our policy has been, Glenn.

The policy is different now. The policy has been communicated, quite clearly to anyone who would consider coming here.

GLENN: Yeah. Or is here illegally.

STU: Yeah. Get out.

GLENN: Get out. Get out.

And he's doing all of this to not have to round people up.

He's starting with the worst of the worst.

And showing the examples of what is happening to them.

To say, to you, please, make the right decision.

Leave on your own!

We don't want to round you and your family up.

We don't want you to go through this.

You have an opportunity.

In fact, if you let us know, we're going to give you a special pass, that means, you could come back to the country, and apply for citizenship.

Not ahead of the line. But you can!

If we catch you here, and you haven't self-deported. And you're totally a law-abiding citizen.

You're never coming back.

You're on a list. And you're never allowed to come back. Okay?

He's sending these messages. And telling people, I think with compassion.

Hey. We might come for you, one day. You really should leave now.

We don't want to make this an ugly thing.

You came in the wrong way.

Sure, we encouraged it, whatever.

But not anymore.

And this has to be done. Or we turn into Europe!

Why is no one looking at what's happening to Europe. And concerned?

I was talking to a friend last night. Kind of the circle of the know.

And he said, I think the world is preparing for a three-front row.

And I was like, boy. That doesn't sound good.

He said, you know, look at the actions.

Look what's happening around the world right now.

He said, it could go horribly wrong with Europe.

And it appears, that there are players on all sides that want to have a war in Europe.

You can make your own decisions if that's true. And why.

But also, in -- in the Middle East.

There -- everybody is preparing for war. And preparing for possible war with Iran.

And then China is preparing for war. And if -- if there is a huge war in the Middle East, then we're berate into it. And a war in Europe. And we're berate into it. You don't think the third leg would stand and up take Taiwan?

They would take it in a heartbeat. Because we would not be able to fight a three-theater war. We're just not prepared for it.

And the one in Europe. If we're fighting in Europe, you know, we're approaching a place to where that could be 100-year war. Because that will all be about ideology.

And we're not talking to the Russians. We're talking about the Islamic State.

You know, there -- they're all -- all these Islamists have been brought in, and then they change. And then they have no-go zones. And then they set up Sharia courts. Do you think that will stop at some time, France? Germany?

Holland? Sweden? You really think all of a sudden, they will go, but that's enough. We won't go past this.

We will have our Sharia courts, but we respect you Lutherans over here.

Of course not. Of course not.

They have to take care of their own countries.

And the population that have been moving in, that is destroying their countries.

And making them an enemy, of the freedoms of mankind.

I don't want to deal with it. They need to.

But we're in the same boat!

We must protect the homeland. We have -- we'll never be able to save anyone. If we don't save ourselves, first. If we don't know who is here, we don't control the crime in our own cities.

We don't have cheap and effective energy. We don't have an educated, not miseducated, but an educated population. A hard-working population.

Somebody that -- a population that understands its own country. Its own history. And its own values.

You don't survive. You don't survive.

So we have a very clear job, that we have to do. And I think Donald Trump is doing a good job of it so far.

But the rest of it is up to us.

But we must act. I mean, I really think that God -- God does what we can't do. I couldn't have stopped that bullet.

I couldn't have done. Nobody could have stopped that bullet.

God stopped that bullet from hitting him.

I've never seen anything like that. If that wasn't a clear, almost Moses parting the Red Sea style miracle. I don't know if I have ever seen one then. That was a miracle. But God does the things that we can't do. We now have to do the things that we have to do. And one of those things is, if you want the government to be less powerful, we have to stop giving it power!

If you want the government to do less, we have to take on the responsibility to do more, in our own communities, neighborhoods, and family.

That's the way we fix this thing.

But the time to fix it, is right now.

We may only have another three years. And who knows what happens in three years?

Let's make sure we're doing all the hard work ourselves, right now.

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