INSIDER COLUMN: Bill’s Votes- 2020 General Election


Easy choice here- President Trump has more than earned another term. Federal Court nominations alone have shown the value in this choice.

US Congress

Representative Bill Posey- You won’t find Bill on the wrong side of an issue for conservatives. He’s represented the Space Coast well in his time in Washington and will continue to do so.

Florida Senate D-17

I’m not a fan of the Second Amendment infringements Debbie Mayfield has supported in her time in the Florida Senate. I know nothing of her opponent who did not respond to our invitation to interview on the show. I will reluctantly vote for Mayfield in this race and hope she has listened to the consistent complaints she has received on this and other conservative issues.

Florida House


Representative Tyler Sirois is the easy choice here. Tyler has served Brevard well, is open to communication and being engaged with constituents. His first term was successful and his commitment to issues important to us is solid.


Thad Altman is virtually unbeatable in Brevard elections. His opponent will find this out November 3rd.While Thad and I do not see eye to eye on certain issues, he will be the better choice in this race.


Democrat Phil Moore is the pick here in order to begin cleaning up the Florida House. The current representative has not only ignored the constitution with infringements on the 1st and 2nd amendment issues addressed by the House, he is unrepentant and vindictive in his conduct. While someone of Phil’s far leftist bent is not going to advance my staked out political positions, he won’t advance ANY issues in a Republican controlled House. This is far better than someone claiming to be one of our own who has turned his back on the principles he claimed to hold when first elected. An ineffective Democrat in this race is a far better choice that what we currently have.


Sheriff Wayne Ivey is the logical choice here. Wayne’s been a good sheriff and there is no reason to not want that to continue. Wayne’s a career law enforcement professional who is well respected in our community. His opponent, an attorney, is not and has not been a cop and we see around the nation what non-cops are doing to dismantle law enforcement in the country. The opponent’s stated support for such anarchy is more than enough reason to shy away from him.

County Commission


While Rita Pritchett and I do not see eye to eye on some issues, she has served her district well. I would like to see her more fiscally conservative and stronger on holding other board members accountable when their actions are out of line, but she is a good choice for D1.


John Tobia is the most fiscally conservative member of the board. We need to keep that influence on the commission. He’s agreed far too often with his counterpart Bryan Lober for my liking, but John’s opponent is a far leftist activist whose philosophy will not fit well in Brevard government.


Kristine Isnardi has been a good commissioner. She stumbled by placing Meals on Wheels into the county budget and should rethink just what is appropriate for tax dollar expenditures, but she is generally conservative and has held her own on a contentious board. Her opponent has questions swirling around him over the corruption in Palm Bay during his service as mayor there and attempted to wield power that position did not hold. That would be dangerous on the country commission and we need to avoid that.

Renewal of the Brevard Schools Sales 1/2 cent surtax

At this point I have to be a no. While there was much accomplished with the 6 year run of this tax, it had a rocky start. The teachers’ union will be screaming for a millage hike to provide pay raises in the not-too-distant future. The bottomless pit of taxpayer dollars has to stop somewhere and this is the place to begin that. Schools have experienced new ways to learn with the response to the coronavirus. Did they learn anything here? Think of the maintenance and other costs that can be saved if virtual learning eliminates the need for refurbished facilities and new buildings. Maybe the education establishment has a lesson or two to learn. Adding an administrative position in pursuit of a “diversity and inclusion” social agenda that has NOTHING to do with education was a waste. There is no reason to add more money to a district that wastes money in this fashion. Until reason returns to the education establishment there is no reason in handing them more and more of our hard earned tax dollars.

Amendments to the Florida Constitution

Amendment 1- Changing “Every” to “Only” re: citizen voting

NO- I am against most amendments on the grounds that they are not actually constitutional issues. I’m against this one because it’s a waste of time and effort. There is no valid argument for it and the change suggested is meaningless.

Amendment 2- Raising Florida’s Minimum Wage to $15/hour

NO- this is also not a constitutional issue, but a legislative one. It is dangerous for business and employment in the state where service industries are the norm. Entry level jobs are not intended to be family sustaining and only less than 3% of the population is actually in minimum wage jobs. The loss in business and the higher costs for consumers are reasons enough to say no.

Amendment 3- Open Primary Elections with Top Two Candidates Advancing

NO- cries of disenfranchisement fall on deaf ears here. Nobody stops anyone from joining a party of their choice. By choosing to be of no or minor party affiliation voters exclude themselves from participating. Parties deserve to choose their own nominees. This would ultimately lead to one party control for maybe decades at a time. Do we really want to see that?

Amendment 4- Requiring Constitutional amendments to Pass Two Times

NO- while I am not a fan of the amendment process in Florida and it needs drastic changes, this seems counter-intuitive to the idea of voting on issues in America. If the voters speak, provide the law that implements it. Constitutional amendments in the state CAN be changed, but it is very difficult. As it stands now it’s 60% to pass or repeal such a measure.

Amendment 5- Extending Save Our Homes Transfer Time

YES- in a tweak to a previous amendment passing this would allow homeowners to have more time to transfer “Save Our Home” tax abatements to a new dwelling from a previous one.

Amendment 6-Transfer Deceased Veteran Homestead Tax Exemption to Surviving Spouse

YES- veterans’ families serve right along with them and any benefit granted the vet should be extended to the same household family as well.

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