If you had to choose between family and politics would it be that difficult? For one moron it has been. Other morons have decided their arbitrary (and frankly idiotic) mask rules must be enforced and it’s not about health. It’s about image and money and it’s IN A HANDBASKET this morning.
Seattle’s city council has overridden the mayor’s veto of their police dismantling budget. Seattle will get exactly what those council members bring upon it.
President Trump says his Supreme Court pick is coming Saturday and Mitt Romney, a questionable vote at best, has announced that he’s behind the idea of moving forward. We have brief looks at the top potential selections posted below.
Michael Bloomberg has decided to throw more of his money into Florida elections, but there’s a catch. Felons who want the Bloomberg money to pay their fines, fees or restitution have to be black or Hispanic. Who’s the racist in this equation?
Most importantly, today is WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY where you can lay any topic you like on us. It’s the only day we divert from my chosen topics, so take advantage and tell us what’s on your mind. Call us at 321-768-1240 and we’ll see what we all think about it.
In a Handbasket: Mask Morons make it about Money
Seattle decides anarchy is the way it’ll be
President: time to reform how we teach history
President’s nomination coming Saturday
Maybe Mitt is the October Surprise