A storm shelter will be opened at Viera Regional Community Center at 11 a.m. today for county residents in need of safe harbor from potentially dangerous winds and rain conditions that could impact the area later today.
The shelter is located at the park at 2300 Judge Fran Jamieson Way.
The shelter will be laid out to provide for Centers For Disease Control-recommended social distancing. Health screenings, temperature checks and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) will be in place, but those seeking shelter are also asked to bring their own PPE, such as face masks, gloves and hand sanitizer, for personal use.
Although shelter will provide food, residents going to a shelter will need to take their own supplies, including bedding, folding chairs or sleeping bags; any needed medications; changes of clothing and sturdy shoes; personal hygiene items; and entertainment items, like games, cards, books, or magazines. Pets are welcome.
For information about this shelter and other Tropical Storm Isaias questions, call the Community Information Hotline at 2-1-1.
Residents and visitors can find more information on our website,www.EMBrevard.com