Brevard: Mask Mandates Everywhere!

Our candidate interview this morning is Representative Thad Altman’s challenger Matt Nye at 7:42.Altman has not responded to our invitation to appear.

To begin our day we’ll have a Save a Horse-Ride a Cowboy update as our barely-not-the-governor Andrew Gillum emerges from the shadows.IN A HANDBASKET we go back to St. Louis where the prosecutor is filing charges on the home defending lawyers and some prominent folks are standing up.

The mask debate is on in Brevard as more businesses are falling to the idea and County Commission Chair Bryan Lober is bringing the idea of a mandate back to the table.In addition, Lober wants pandemic assistance money restricted to businesses that have mask policies in place.Commissioner Tobia has another idea altogether.He wants to restrict sex offenders from businesses.

On the schools front, the state teachers union has sued the state to prevent schools from opening in the fall.Local health departments are telling the schools they are on their own, unwilling to say things will be safe for a reopen.


Save a Horse- Ride a Cowboy: an update

In a Handbasket:

·Who stands for the defenders?


Lober bringing mask policy back

Lober wants to ban business grant $ if no mask policy

West Melbourne joins mask mandates

Publix, led by Walmart, requiring masks

CEO’s want to mandate masks

Georgia has the right idea on masks


Tobia: forget masks, get the pervs

State teachers union files suit to stop school opening

Health Department to Schools- You’re on Your Own

State Board/Commissioner sending mixed messages on reopening schools

Chris Wallace on Trump interview and Biden’s lack of one

Defund cops, get what you might expect

Supreme Court stops FL felon voting…for now

Mail ballot lawsuit dropped

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