I had some things to do in Cape Canaveral yesterday.Once the chores were done, it was time for lunch.Little did I realize that would be the toughest part of the day.
IN A HANDBASKET we go back to St. Louis and the McCloskey self defense persecution.
We’ll revisit the USA TODAY fact checking and learn that the national paper has no clue how to make a retraction.
Is there a COVID Panic Industry in Florida?It would seem so.As increasing positive testing shows skyrocketing rates of THE RONA, we learn that the numbers are vastly overblown.And we want o kill the economy on bad data!
Richard Corcoran and the State Department of Education are sending mixed messages on reopening schools, but the order stays the same: open for 5 days a week of in school instruction.Florida Today’s Eric Rogers will join us at 8am to talk about Brevard’s reopening.Following Eric, the paper’s Tim Walters will share his experiences with a wife and a child heading back to school and we’ll touch on space and sports as we have time.
Walmart wants you to shop at Publix
In a Handbasket:
·Possible indictment for McCloskey couple, President Trump to get involved
USA TODAY can’t even change its mind with conviction
Buying the lies of the health panic industry
State Board/Commissioner sending mixed messages on reopening schools
Florida Today’s Eric Rogers- Brevard- Back to School
Florida Today’s Tim Walters- The Video Posts