At the NBC family of networks they have standards.Sadly, they are not journalistic and they have nothing to do with the quality of the product being produced.No, it’s all about image and political correctness as the peacock network decides personnel demographics will signal their virtue on social issues.

IN A HANDBASKET it’s just possible that the rest of liberal la-la land could be waking up to the dangers that cancel culture has wrought upon us.

Is it just possible (I know, you believe it’s certain) that our world has overreacted to the coronavirus?One doctor says so, but that hasn’t stopped a couple of local governments from being our masters.Others are considering it.If that disturbs you, look no further than Pennsylvania where one restaurant faces massive fines, yet is undeterred in staying open and facing down the oppressors.

We still have the Supreme Court’s Electoral College decision to consider, the Stone Mountain challenge and a campaign event disguised as a press conference where parading a rape victim in front of the press is apparently now a thing to do in attacking an opponent’s campaign.Not that the information was bad, or that the rapist should not be outed.We certainly feel for what this victim went through.Willingly using her in that circumstance and for that purpose was unseemly and smacks of desperation and a willingness to do anything in the political arena.


Image over quality for NBC

In a Handbasket:

·Does the left finally see Cancel Culture is bad?

Are we overreacting to The Rona?

The People’s Republik of Satellite Beach

and Cocoa Beach

Standing up to government oppression- yes, this is that

The Electoral College…the Supremes latest call

The march on Stone Mountain

Allow protests?- can’t stop church

Private short term rentals & the TDC tax

Federal Judge Hinkle slows his roll on mail ballots

Using a rape victim to campaign

SpaceX Starlink Launch 11:59am

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