
Big Brother Taking Kids Back To School

Itā€™s wonā€™t be long until weā€™re thinking about back to school.School officials across the country are trying to decide just what that will look like.While sanitation of the environment and social distancing are part of the discussion, one Ohio district has a more technologically enhanced plan.

Distance learning was the rule of the day for education in the last months of the school year.But online education is not unusual for college students, even those at the higher levels.Yet, a UCLA professor is on leave because he would not adjust his final.Why?Students who are emotionally distraught over racism and police brutality wanted special consideration.Thatā€™s IN A HANDBASKET this morning.

The Minneapolis council president has a plan, but has trouble coming up with what happens next.Oh, and calling the police and getting a response is a white privilege thing.

On a related note, the president of the local Fraternal Order of Police stepped in a big ole pile of steaming embarrassment.The FOPā€™s Facebook posts recruiting cops from across the country was well intended, but poorly played.Itā€™s a good idea to recruit experienced cops to the region.Area departments canā€™t fill all of the vacancies and experienced cops get more qualified people on the street quicker.The tone deaf posts have caused Brevard agencies to distance themselves from the FOP and remind us that the union is not authorized to recruit on behalf of the agencies.

Qualifying for the August and November elections concludes Friday and the games are afoot.One of the more interesting races will be County Commission D-3 where John Tobiaā€™s opponent in the race is Melbourne Mayor Kathy Meehan. It will be an all Republican vote as a write in candidate has filed and the Democrat who had announced a run withdrew.


Back to schoolā€¦with Big Brother

In a Handbasket:

Ā·UCLA Prof on leave- would not cancel finals

In Play Today:


Minneapolis: Dismantling Police, striking out at privilege?

FOP brings negative national attention to Space Coast

FOP President issues apology

Local Politics: Let the Games Begin!

Tom Lee: wishy-washy decisions mean itā€™s good heā€™s leaving the senate

Protesting more important than spreading THE RONA

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