Paranoia and Persistence

There is no better way to describe some peoples’ reaction to the coronavirus than paranoia.Sadly some of the paranoid are in positions of leadership, like Pennsylvania’s governor.In Colorado the state suspended a restaurant’s license for being open.Apparently being open is an immediate health hazard.Then there are the customers standing up for their Waffle Shop in California. Paranoia meets persistence in that case.

IN A HANDBASKET we return to our normal abnormal fare and the handicap placed on an attorney in a transgender athlete case.

In Brevard, schools will not make up missed days and graduation is still up in the air.At the state Governor DeSantis is not approving the budget just yet and that’s probably wise. And then there’s the question left hanging yesterday- could the state force a vaccine upon you?The answer is, “Yes!”

MEME of the Day:

Everyone I disagree with is a murderer- the emotional child’s guide to COVID-19 discussion


Paranoia in Pennsylvania- the governor

In a Handbasket:

·You can’t call them “males!”

New Today:

CO restaurant license suspended-“immediate death hazard”

Customers standoff with cops at Waffle Shop

Schools: no make-up days, graduation planned

DeSantis hold off on budget (as he should)

More Coronavirus News in play:

Could half of US small businesses close because of THE RONA?

Nobel Prize winner says lockdowns were too much

Will FL order us to get vaccines?Could they?

The Usual Suspects:

Launches this weekend

Flynn has charges dropped

To the moon!

Gillum PAC dropping big bucks on legal fees since hotel binge

VA Gov gets one right, more wrong

Also signs 5 gun control bills

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