The RONA Must Be Over in Brevard!

Florida continued a soft reopen (that continues to expand this week) and my weekend was one of multiple events.Our Friday lunch crowd got back together for the first time in many weeks.That was combined with a nice Friday dinner out and a Saturday morning outside gathering of our gang.Then there was a big event.During my Saturday shopping trip I found…toilet paper!See, THE RONA must be over!

Even so, the country is scared.Many say they don’t want to resume normal activities.Even if we do, there are some indications that we just don’t know how to deal with each other.That said, Florida’s barber shops, beauty and mail salons are set to reopen today.

The legislature has voted no on a special session for now.While one may be necessary to deal with revenue issues, those numbers just aren’t ready for a session now. There are other concerning questions.Some states are considering electronic monitoring for carriers of the virus.Is it possible that Florida could order citizens to take a vaccine?

MEME of the Day:

I am tired of being part of a major historical event!


The country is scared

In a Handbasket:

·MA Ice Cream Shop Opens/Closes- not by government order

New Today:

Barber Shops, Salons to reopen today

Special session not happening yet in Tallahassee

House arrest coming for carries of THE RONA?

More Coronavirus News in play:

Could half of US small businesses close because of THE RONA?

Nobel Prize winner says lockdowns were too much

Will FL order us to get vaccines?Could they?

The Usual Suspects:

Flynn has charges dropped

To the moon!

Gillum PAC dropping big bucks on legal fees since hotel binge

VA Gov gets one right, more wrong

Also signs 5 gun control bills

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