Restoring Freedom in America

There are several encouraging stories as we conclude week one of Florida’s gradual reopen.I’m encouraged by the saga of Shelley Luther, the Dallas salon owner who defied orders to close and was slammed by a Dallas judge criminally and financially.Luther has a measure of vindication, but the fight isn’t over.We’ll discuss her story IN A HANDBASKET this morning.

The situations brought on by the coronavirus raise another question.When is a right a right?Royce Bartlett will talk about that on Saturday’s Shooting Straight and we’ll start our day with a story that highlights the issue in another way.

In addition to Shelley Luther’s saga we have other examples of an America that is waking up to what we have been doing to ourselves over THE RONA. One California sheriff says he won’t enforce infringements on constitutional freedoms, another county in the Golden State says they won’t play along.They are open for business.Judges in Massachusetts and Virginia have ruled in favor of freedom in varied cases.The battle is not over; there are states still pursuing lockdown measures, but I am encouraged by what we are starting to see.

I believe we’ll call this a Freedom Friday on Bill mick LIVE.

MEME of the Day:

Remember how we used to wait and eat cake after someone had blown on it?That was fun.


When are rights actually rights?

In a Handbasket:

·We Shall Be Free

·Shelley Luther: grateful American leader

·Why she couldn’t apologize

New Today:

The courts- seeing it our way

We could use more sheriffs like this

Brevard tries to plan economy restart

Flynn has charges dropped

More Coronavirus News in play:

Brevard Commission designates coronavirus relief funds

Could half of US small businesses close because of THE RONA?

Feds take on states for overreaching stay at home

Brevard gym opens, closes in battle to return to work

Maine restaurant defies order, opens restaurant

CA bar does the same

CA arrested protesters at capitol

Nobel Prize winner says lockdowns were too much

Will FL order us to get vaccines?Could they?

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