The sad case of Sophia Nelson’s death at a Satellite Beach crosswalk has come to a conclusion.Satellite Beach Police released the report yesterday and the driver, an 83 year old woman, was cited and not criminally charged.I’ll trust the judgment of SBPD here.They investigated this thoroughly.We’ll talk this in today’s 7am hour.
As we begin our day we’ll look at a journalist’s honest comments about his network’s coverage of the president and just where it landed him.IN A HANDBASKET takes us to manly men and the women who love them…OK, maybe not so much manly men.
In Brevard the Sheriff and County Commission wants a lawsuit by Clerk of Courts Scott Ellis dismissed and an LGBT student asks for special law for the rainbow community.
Palm Bay Deputy Mayor Kenny Johnson is being targeted by robocalls that have a familiar ring to them and a denial that doesn’t quite ring true.
In national political news the president has a win over sanctuary cities in federal court and Mayor Pete’s record got in the way of his joining a protest at a South Carolina McDonalds over a $15/hr minimum wage.
We won’t have enough time, but we’ll have a fun discussion on today’s edition of BML.
Where honest commentary on journalism gets a journalist
In a Handbasket:
·Walk like a man…dress like a woman
83 year old driver cited in Sophia Nelson crash
Busta Tax Cap and the Commission want Clerk’s suit tossed
Brevard students ask commission for LGBT ordinance
Robocall targets PB Deputy Mayor- dirty tricks abound
President gets court win in sanctuary cities funds case
Mayor Pete- when your record stops your political stunt
·FL Dems sue to remove Bernie from ballot