Not Guilty…except for half of Mitt Romney’s mind.The president has been acquitted of both counts in the House’s impeachment.Will we actually get the nonsense behind us?We can hope, but I would not hold my breath.We’ll talk it later this morning.
IN A HANDBASKET we are back to gender wars as a young gymnast is suing to be allowed to compete with the girls.He’s not one.
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews must have had an epiphany as twice in the last week he’s recognized truths about the president and the perception of him.Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is mouthing off about the president awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh.She’s been in congress all of what, ten minutes?Shut up!She’s not a nice person.
And here at home an idea I have advocated is suddenly in play.It’s as if I replaced my ventriloquist dummy with County Commission Chair Bryan Lober. He’s right on this one.A new executive at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection has done what your coworkers have done.He’s asked fellow workers to buy Girl Scout Cookies from his daughter.Big deal or no?
That and more, if we can get to it, on this Thursday edition of BML.
I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today
In a Handbasket:
Not Guilty!Senate acquits President Trump
Romney of two minds- neither conservative
MSNBC host- “regular people” will like SOTU
AOC and Rush’s Medal of Freedom
TDC $ to roads- an idea whose time has come
FL DEP has dust up over Girl Scout Cookie solicitation
Iowa Caucus-now systemic racism