
WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY- Your Topics and Opinions

Weā€™ll begin the day in Virginia where the Second Amendment issues are heating up.Virginia Beach certainly got a glimpse of whatā€™s coming as firearms restrictions and confiscation will be the issue of their General Assembly session.

In a Handbasket takes us to lunch and customers and corporations losing their mind over condiments.

Florida Todayā€™s Alessandro Sassoon, whom I met Monday night at the RLC/Trump Club forum, has a lesson in reporting coming.He also did a pretty good article about that forum.Both are linked below.

The state is looking to end Common Core, but the question is how.Is the president fighting war by Tweet? And, we have a stack of stories we have not had the opportunity to touch so far this week.

But, first and foremost, itā€™s WIDE OPEN WEDNESDAY and your calls and topics take priority when we go to the phones.If itā€™s on your mind, itā€™s on Bill Mick LIVE.


Meanwhile back in Virginia

In a Handbasket:

Ā·Not worth going to jail, or losing customers

Seriously, Alessandro?

Monday nightā€™s forum as Alessandro reports it

Ending Common Coreā€¦we think

War by Twitter?

Mayorā€™s bright idea on crosswalks

The corruption of Florida Politics

FL issues to watch in 2020

Pompeo: Ask Soleimani

Dems fret Bernieā€™s surge

More bad news for Dems

FBI responds to chiding by FISA court

FISA filings review ordered

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