

Tonight at the Holiday Inn Expo/Space Coast Convention Center in Cocoa the Republican Liberty Caucus is hosting a forum on gun rights.I have been asked to participate and will do so.Also participating are the RLCā€™s Bob White, Sheriff Wayne Ivey, Representative Anthony Sabatini and others.Given previous legislative action regarding firearms and red flag laws here, and promises of more from at least the Florida Senate, there are a multitude of issues to discuss.Come join us, it should be a great event.

Not everyone is happy that I am attending.Invitees who know me or who have investigated false claims of anti-Semitism against me are also participating in spite of efforts to have them withdraw.They, too, are drawing fire from certain corners.Not the least of them is FLORIDAPOLITICS.COM, a source I frequently use for state related news.

In spite of all that, Iā€™ll be there.The RLC will put on a great forum and attendees will enjoy it.Weā€™ll discuss it and our usual slate of stories as we begin our first full week of 2020 together.

Letā€™s get startedā€¦


RLC Gun Rights Forum Tonight

In a Handbasket:

Ā·Gun Rights Forum draws defaming headline

Gun Law Preemption being fought in courts

VA gun battle getting real

Mayorā€™s bright idea on crosswalks

The corruption of Florida Politics

FL issues to watch in 2020

Pompeo: Ask Soleimani

Dems fret Bernieā€™s surge

More bad news for Dems

FBI responds to chiding by FISA court

FISA filings review ordered

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