I was a cop a long time…it’s a well established principle that direct evidence is the best evidence.That is, unless you’re trying to oust a president you can’t hope to defeat with your weak slate of candidates in 2020.Then, as in the “impeachment hearing” yesterday, anything goes.The freak show that was the hearing is a glaring example of how none of these clowns in congress is close to being as politically savvy as the president.They have played right into his hands.
As we begin our day Colin Kaepernick is back in the news.The NFL held a special work out for teams to get a look at the rabble rousing quarterback.That’s either to get him a job or, hopefully, shut him up for good.But not everybody is happy with the former San Francisco signal caller.
Disney launched its Disney+ streaming service.It included something unexpected.We’ll talk it during our IN A HANDBASKET segment at 6:42 and during the AFTERSHOW SHOW.
It is possible we were fed a line about poverty for many years?One new report says so.We’ll take a look.
In a Handbasket: