Back to school has brought a couple of bizarre stories to the show today.First the advocates for safety at Sandy Hook Elementary have produced a video ad that makes you wonder if they should have.Then there is the clothing maker who we are sure shouldn’t have.
Back to school in Brevard means contract negotiations, at least it’s supposed to, but not today or tomorrow as was scheduled.No, the BFT staged a dog and pony show for Tuesday’s school board meeting and they were not about to let actual progress stop that!
The legislative session kicks off after the first of the year.Committee weeks are happening now.One bill being presented is the LGBT workplace protection bill.Don’t be distracted, the idea in Tallahassee is a gun grab.We’ll talk with Representative Tyler Sirois today and see where committee weeks seem to be headed.
Sandy Hook group releases graphic back to school ad
And then there’s this…school shooting active wear
Lucy created a tense atmosphere…pretty sure that was the intent
No apology necessary…yet he does
Have a touch of LGBT with your gun grab
City and Special District elections coming
Do Republicans need a primary?