
Are We Winning the PC Battle?

There are indications that we are gaining ground in the battle against political correctness.First the Simpsons are keeping Apu, their Indian shop keeper.A college professor has actually been fired for his activism and a court has ruled in favor of a Christian videographer in a gay wedding case.With three steps forward, we do have a step back.The 9th Circuit has ruled that a state must provide gender reassignment surgery to an inmate, but the state will appeal!

Given all that news, is it time for a Straight Pride parade?I think not, and apparently most of us donā€™t.The story is from my former stomping ground in Modesto, California.

Then we have to ask ourselves a serious question: have we failed a generation of kids?If a recent survey is right they are ready to give up the America we have all known.

The president talks tough and tariffs are a tool in world economics.It looks like President Trump has another win on the horizon.


Simpsons to keep Apu

College professor out after declaring heā€™s Antifa

Court rules for Christian videographer in gay wedding case

9th Circuit rules state must provide gender reassignment surgery

Protesters outnumber Straight Pride participants

Have we failed our kids? Patriotism, religion & family less important

Winning!Trump tough tariff talk trips Chinese

Florida joins national voter registration database

If Dā€™s canā€™t get support in the US, they go to Mexico

Making (bad) life decisions due to climate change

Brevardā€™s ā€œrental crisisā€

Sheriff Israel- It wasnā€™t me!

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