Talking with baseball greats of the past it seems MLB is killing the game.Parents, are you upset when a coach talks harshly with your kids before a game or at halftime?Wait a minute, let’s look at the results.Other parents don’t make it to on field issues.Papa John’s has their attention and their ire.
Is the left handing President Trump the 2020 election?If they keep going after each other that could be the case.And when it comes to civility, forget about it.We are training it out of people.
Beyond civility we call the cops.Cops may want to reconsider responding.California wants them handcuffed in a deadly force situation.There are republicans defecting and caving to the political pressure of the uneducated as they fall for gun control measures.And while some are trying to get a gun ban on Florida’s ballot, the language of the measure could be far more restrictive than it would seem.
Killing baseball- MLB’s doing it
Motivating players: Don’t be upset when the coach yells!
Libs handing President Trump 2020
Forget civility- training it out of people
Killing cops- this is NOT a good idea
Republicans for gun control (outside the FL Legislature)
FL gun ban amendment dangerous (definitions matter)
An interesting read- The coolest internships